2023 Warrandyte Victorian state by-election
A by-election for the seat of Warrandyte in the Victorian Legislative Assembly will be held on 26 August 2023. Early voting starts on Monday August 14th. Scroll down this page to check out the Green Light candidates.
Assessment Difficulties
Vote Climate One’s assessment process is biased towards supporting independent candidates. We are convinced that the pathway to real climate action is via a progressive cross bench which holds the balance of power in the lower house where governments are formed. For independent candidates every vote is a conscience vote free of party pressures.
Two independents in Warrandyte have been ranked with a Red Light because they have failed to answer our questions. The aim of the questions is to determine how strongly they will vote on climate legislation. There was only one Orange Light candidate in this by-election. If you have any contact with these candidates please urge them to answer our assessment questions . This creates the opportunity of changing their Traffic Light Voting ranking. Contact Rob on 0427580803

Green Light Candidates
In the recent state election the Sustainable Australia Party was ranked by Vote Climate One as a Green Light Party because of their strong climate policy. We have no hesitation on continuing this advice for the Warrandyte by-election. Read on to find out Jack’s responses to our foundational questions.

As a community leader are you committed to leading the way through the most tumultuous societal changes our population has ever experienced? Are you prepared to lead the way as we urgently try to protect our very survival?
Yes. Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement with a science and evidence-based policy platform. We are the only political party to put our environment first – and therefore our health, economy and quality of life. This will be critical as we face a range of critical crises including climate change, mass species extinctions, deforestation and resource depletion such as water and arable land.
Do you endorse a national declaration of an ecological and climate emergency?
Yes. See above response.
Do you support the principle of aiming for zero emissions by 2030?
Sustainable Australia Party supports the science that humans are contributing to climate change. To this end, our Australian greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets are adopted from recommendations by the Climate Council. At this stage, this means that we would support international agreements to lower greenhouse gas emissions including a target of net zero emissions by 2035.
Do you oppose exploring for or commissioning new gas or coal mining projects.
Do you oppose the logging and wood chipping of native forests? Protecting forests is central to action on climate change.
Climate change and solutions to the crisis are impacting some sections of society more than others. Do you support rapid transition action that prioritises social justice within the most cost effective framework our society can muster? Undeniably, our urgent task is to reduce the drivers and impacts of the emergency.
Yes. For example, Sustainable Australia Party would establish a federally funded national job guarantee program in order to ensure full employment, managed through the re-established Commonwealth Employment Service (CES), and initially focused on protecting and restoring Australia’s environment.
Peaceful protest has always been enshrined in our democratic culture. Do you support the rescinding of legislation which undermines that right?
Yes. I am opposed to the new South Australian anti-protest legislation as an example.
As a candidate standing for the Greens, Vote Climate One has ranked Tomas with a Green Light. The Greens policy on climate is very strong. For action on climate reference Green Light candidates before Orange and Red.