2024 Northern Territory State Election August 24th

As far as state elections go, the Northern Territory is problematic. If you want to vote for a government who will take the reduction of global heating seriously your choice is very limited. Both major parties along with the Federation Party are committed to gas production and fossil fuel expansion. Your only choice for green light candidates are the Greens Candidates and a sprinkling of progressive independents.
Don’t underestimate the power of your vote in the few electorates in which progressive candidates are standing. Our Traffic Light Voting System will help Territorians to elect a minority government forced to work with solidly progressive cross bench representitives.

The ballot draw took place on Thursday August 8th. We then scrambled to finalise our voting guides to be ready for early voting on Monday August 12th. We have listed green light candidates in the electorates listed below. Check them out to find out the credentials of these candidates. Electorates which are not listed unfortunately do not yet have assessed green or orange light candidates standing. Our hope is that this situaltion will change in the runup to Saturday August 24th.
If you can help us engage UNASSESSED CANDIDATES please contact us.
Find your electorate here…
- Araluen
- Blain
- Braitling
- Casuarina
- Drysdale
- Fannie bay
- Fong Lim
- Goyder
- Johnston
- Karama
- Katherine
- Namatjira
- Mulka
- Nightcliff
- Port Darwin
- Wanguri
The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the Northern Territory parliament relating to action on the climate emergency.
We take the assessment of independents seriously. Sometimes, though, it is very difficult to find appropriate contact details for these candidates. Consequently,we apply the precautionary principle and use a initial Red Light ranking. These rankings can be adjusted if evidence of commitment to urgent action on global warming becomes evident. Please contact Rob on 0427 580803 if there are good reasons to change a candidate’s Traffic Light ranking. Our team is committed to supporting progressive independents, micro parties and minor parties .
Prepolling in the Northern Territory started on Monday August 12th.
We are assessing all political parties and independent candidates. Candidates who are standing under a party banner are assessed with their party ranking. Please contact us if you have information which will help us with the assessment process. Phone Rob on 0427580803.
Any candidate who is prepared to formally support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord is automatically ranked as an outstanding Green Light candidate in regard to our voting advice.
In a state election local issues are paramount for candidates and electors. Our assessment, though , is purely about climate. Consequently, our advice is for those electors who want to be confident that their preferred representatives will stand up for climate action when relevant legislation comes before the Northern Territory parliament. Yes local issues are important but the science is screaming at us that our very survival is dependent on treating global warming as an emergency. Preference Green Light Candidates first in order of your choice. Preference orange light candidates next and lastly preference Red Light candiate…they are generally a dangerous choice for effective action to stop global warming.
Vote like your Life depends on it!
Dr Hall reports in our Climate Sentinel News that the flood of climate records broken over the last year shows that we have unleashed several kinds of positive feedbacks driving runaway warming. This presents a truly existential emergency on a global scale. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS if we don’t stop and reverse the warming. We face extinction if we fail.
Global mobilization is urgently required to have any chance to achieve this before societies begin to collapse under the weight of cascading sequences of extreme weather events as our planet grows hotter, faster and faster. Because special interests have captured our major political parties to control governments for their benefit, they are doing everything they can to prevent effective responses to the climate emergency that might harm these interests.
Climate Rescue Accord is working to promote and publicise the kinds of actions that need to be mobilised, and Vote Climate One is doing what we can to help and show people how to change governments by replacing their unrepresentative parliamentarians with genuine climate aware and progressive representatives able to lead the necessary policy changes and implementations.
Got some information for us?
Contact the Vote Climate One Team
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)