Queensland Federal by-election for Fadden
Here is your Traffic light Voting Guide for the by-election for the seat of Fadden . You can print the guide,fill it in at home and take it to the polling booth to transfer your choices onto the ballot paper. Alternatively you can access our advice on your mobile phone.
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Scroll down to check out some excellent Green Light candidates whose focus is on climate action.

- By-election date announced Monday 22 May
- Postal vote applications open Monday 22 May
- Issue of the writ Monday 12 June 6pm AEST
- Close of rolls 8pm Monday 19 June
- Close of candidate nominations 12pm Thursday 22 June
- Declaration of candidate nominations 12pm Friday 23 June
- Early voting commences Monday 3 July
- Last day for receipt of postal vote applications 6pm Wednesday 12 July
- By-election day Saturday 15 July
- Last day for receipt of postal votes Friday 28 July
- Return of the writ (latest date) On or before Wednesday 20 September
Green Light Candidate Belinda Jones
Vote Climate One had absolute confidence in giving a Green Light ranking to independent candidate Belinda Jones. Check out her answers to our questions below.

What is your plan to deal with pent up heat and melting ice while we urgently reduce missions to pre-industrial levels (280 ppm CO2)?
I will oppose further reliance of fossil fuels, oppose new gas/coal projects, I oppose carbon capture and storage, I will support the transition to renewable energy, I will encourage a discourse that everyone (homes/business/govt) must harness & store their own energy, I will support community grids, storage & infrastructure, I support land and water management by traditional owners.
Do you endorse declaring a national ecological and climate emergency?
Yes, absolutely and it must be done as soon as possible.
Do you support the principle of aiming for zero emissions by 2030?
Yes, I support zero emissions by 2030
Do you oppose exploring for or commissioning new gas or coal mining projects.
Yes, I oppose exploration and commission of all new gas or coal mining projects.
Do you oppose the logging and wood chipping of native forests? Protecting forests is central to action on climate change.
Yes I oppose logging and wood chipping of native forests, I believe we must have a sustainable plantation timber industry to satisfy consumer demand for timber products – we should not be using native forests for timber and we must have a greater focus on regenerating the native forests that have been destroyed, including compliance officers/checks & heavy consequences for non-compliance for those who destroy native forests for profit.
Climate change and solutions to the crisis are impacting some sections of society more than others. Do you support rapid transition action that prioritises social justice within the most cost effective framework our society can muster? Undeniably, our urgent task is to reduce the drivers and impacts of the emergency.
Yes, rapid transition action must be affordable and easy to implement, I want to encourage all Australians to transition to renewables with my primary focus on the rental industry (around one-third of Australians live in rental housing) – investors need incentives to upgrade their properties to renewables so that renters reap the rewards of & assist in the rapid transition to renewables.
Peaceful protest has always been enshrined in our democratic culture. Would you support the rescinding of recent draconian legislation which undermines that right?
Absolutely yes, peaceful protest must remain a core tenet of a healthy political ecosystem without question. I am a pacifist and support non-violent protest. Protest that disrupts in a peaceful but effective way must be supported, for example, holding up traffic is non-violent, peaceful disruption that should never attract harsh penalties (as it has done in the recent past), it must be used effectively to garner attention to affect change. Penalties for protest must only apply when it relates to violent incidents or endangering the safety of another.
Green Light Candidate Scott Turner
All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“We will push the government to go faster and further on climate change and transform Australia to a sustainable economy based on renewable energy, reducing the significant risks to the Gold Coast from climate change. “

Hi, I’m Scott.
Since graduating from Palm Beach-Currumbin State High School, I’ve seen our area go through many changes. We face many challenges and opportunities presented by growth, globalisation, the digital economy and climate change.
I began my career in scientific research and have since worked in administration in the areas of healthcare, crisis accommodation, mental health and education and as a customer service agent for TransLink.
These experiences have reinforced my belief in the importance of a robust and inclusive community. I believe politicians should work for the needs of the people, rather than for vested corporate interests which destroy our way of life.
I am passionate about ensuring access to affordable social housing for every Queenslander, preserving and increasing our public parks and green spaces and connecting our communities with fast, free public transport.
The Greens will make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share of tax to provide all the things we need to live a good life. We’ll build one million homes, create long-term, secure jobs in renewable industries, get dental and mental healthcare into Medicare and make lifelong education free from childcare to university and TAFE.
The Greens will reform political donations laws so that members of parliament from all sides are working for the people who elected them and not for corporate donors.
We will push the government to go faster and further on climate change and transform Australia to a sustainable economy based on renewable energy, reducing the significant risks to the Gold Coast from climate change.
Got Questions?
Contact the Vote Climate One Team
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: (0427580803)