2024 Dunkley Victorian Federal By-election
A by-election for the seat of Federal Lower House Seat of Dunkley will be held in on Saturday March 2nd 2024. Note that the major parties have not been assessed on climate policy. We have ranked the liberal candidate ahead of Labor to facilitate climate action through a push towards minority Labor government. This not an indication that the Libs have a better climate policy than Labor. If Labor can be pulled back to 72 or even 70 seats in the next Federal election the influence of a progressive cross bench could transform Australia’s political landscape. Maintaining Labor’s majority by winning the seat of Dunkley will not help real action on climate.

To discuss Traffic Light Voting ranking, contact Rob on 0427580803
Green Light Candidates
Bronwyn Currie
Bronwyn Currie is the first candidate standing in the Dunkley by-election to endorse the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord Well done Bronwyn. You are now raked as an outstanding green light candidate.

Reem Yunis
Reem Yunis is the second candidate standing in the Dunkley by-election to endorse the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord Congratulations Reem! You are now raked as an outstanding green light candidate.

Victorian Socialists Climate Action Policies
End corporate control of our climate future
Australia is among the world’s worst climate and environmental
criminals. Neither the Coalition nor Labor will take the action required
to change this. The major parties, in fact, are part of the problem.
Promises of “net zero emissions by 2050” are a recipe for disaster. They
are designed to give the impression of action while allowing the
environmentally destructive reliance on fossil fuels to continue
indefinitely. We need to take action based on what is necessary to avert
climate catastrophe, not just what is palatable to the corporate
lobbyists that have constrained real climate action for the last 3
Victorian Socialists will fight for:
100 percent of electricity from renewables by 2030
A zero emissions economy by 2035
Bringing the energy sector under public ownership and democratic control
An immediate ban on new coal mines and a ban on coal fired power by 2030
An end to fracking and all unconventional gas extraction
A ban on new gas projects
A guarantee of alternative secure jobs and retraining for workers from
the fossil fuel industry
Increased investment in public transport
Justice for those displaced by climate change
A ban on logging of old-growth forests and an urgent program of
reforestation, sustainable farming and biodiversity protection
An end to uranium mining and stopping any attempt to build an Australian
nuclear industry
Investment in publicly owned recycling and green tech facilities to
reduce waste going to landfill. Take the private market out of the waste
An end to the profiteering of water trading and crackdown on the
stealing of water by agribusiness
New regulation for urban planning and design to ensure environmental
efficiency and sustainability
Alex Breskin
Alex Breskin is the Dunkley candidate for the Greens who have a strong policy on climate.
“The alarm bells are ringing that we have a climate crisis on our hands – we need to urgently phase out coal and gas, invest in renewable energy and transition workers into clean and green jobs now.”

Heath McKenzie
Heath McKenzie is the Dunkley candidate for the Australian Democrats who have a strong policy on climate.
“Stop subsidising the fossil fuel industry and stop authorising new coal and gas mines. “