Clayfield/ 2024 Queensland state election

Here is a mock up of a Traffic Light Voting Guide. The real time guides for each electorate will be available after the ballot draw which will happen either on Thursday October 10th or Friday October 11th. We will prepare the guides over the weekend ready for pre-polling on Monday October 14th. Once we upload them to the website, you will be able to download, print, and fill them in at home and then take them to the polling booth with you to easily transfer your choices onto the ballot paper.  Alternatively, take your phone with you when you head off to vote, and you can then access our advice on the screen.

In the meantime, you can scroll down this page to check out the Green Light Candidate profiles in your electorate.

The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the Queensland Legislative Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.

If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803

Jaimyn Mayer

I am proudly queer and neurodiverse and have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science from QUT. I’m also a young renter with a passion for climate action, social justice and supporting marginalised communities.

I’ve called Brisbane home for the last 17 years but originally grew up in a small mining town in Central Queensland. This gives me a unique perspective when talking about the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels while protecting the communities that currently rely on them.

I spend most of my spare time volunteering at a charity I founded called Brisbane Makerspace. We help marginalised groups of people connect and socialise in a safe space while learning new skills. I believe community spaces like this are so important, as they give people purpose and reduce social isolation.

For too long, the old parties have been neglecting the needs of everyday people like you and I. They’d rather keep the status quo and tinker around the edges than fight for meaningful change.

When the old parties and their corporate donors make laws that choose profit and greed over community needs, everybody loses. Our local community suffers from skyrocketing rents, mortgages, and unsustainable costs of living.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The Greens don’t take donations from big corporations, which means as your MP, I’d represent you, not vested interests.

Together, we can make sure that essential services like healthcare and education are properly funded. We can put our electricity network back into public hands. We can create thousands of jobs building and running the public infrastructure we need. We can make sure every Queenslander has a home.

State government services and decisions have a profound impact on our everyday lives. They impact the climate, housing, education and transport. We deserve politicians who will fight for what’s right and not just for their corporate donors. And that’s why I’m running to win, but I need your help.

Will you join me?

Got some information for us?

Contact the Vote Climate One Team


(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)