Redlands/ 2024 Queensland state election
Here is your Traffic Light Voting Guide for Redlands. You can download the guide to your own computer, print, and fill it in at home and then take it to the polling booth with you. It’s super easy then to transfer your choices onto the ballot paper. Alternatively, take your phone with you when you head off to vote, and you can then access our advice on the screen.
In the meantime, you can scroll down this page to check out the Green Light Candidate profiles in your electorate.

The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the Queensland Legislative Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Green Light Candidates
Liela D’Rose (AJP)

Leila is an Outstanding Green Light Candidate
Liela is driven to bring an end to animal cruelty and to advocate for stronger and enforceable protections and support systems. She is dedicated to promoting ethical, sustainable practices that benefit both people and animals.
Her professional background in Human Resources and passionate involvement in Vegan Events, has afforded her the opportunity to support the management of the QLD Vegan Markets.
The Animal Justice Party fully endorses the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
Suzanne Spierenburg (LCQ)

Suzanne qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.
The Legalise Cannabis Queensland Party endorses the vision of the Climate Rescue Accord, to stop and reverse global heating, and recognise the 3Rs as commensurate action to achieve that vision, and have adopted or are on the path to adopting a comprehensive suite of the 3Rs in their policies.
Policy Statements
- We care about the future of our planet. A greener bent will give our children and our grandchildren clean/er air and clean/er water. Each of us must try to do our part to innovate, change and respect the environment. Our lives and future depend on it!
- Plastic waste chokes the planet. Petrochemicals are found in a wide array of household items, from plastic wrap and rubbish bags to plastic bottles. Hemp based plastics decompose in months rather than decades
- Bio-futures is one of the opportunities that will support future economic development, open the door to new investment and grow employment in regional areas of Queensland
- Bio-products offer a renewable and environmentally beneficial alternative to existing conventional chemical and fossil fuel refining processes
- Transitioning to biofuel power stations would lower emissions and create a carbon neutral cycle and thus reduced greenhouse gasses.
- Reducing our own dependence on mining will protect our water tables from contamination. Fracking would be completely off the agenda
Legalise Cannabis Queensland endorses the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
Kristie Lockhart (Greens)

I am a mother of three and a staunch environmental and animal welfare advocate.
I am also a long-term health professional, having worked in pathology laboratories in a range of technical, clerical and management roles. Over the last 22 years, I have worked across many different specialties, in both public and private sectors. I have an in-depth understanding of the industry and particularly, the challenges faced by front-line public healthcare workers, due to under-funding, staff shortages, fatigue, stress and burnout.
The Greens have a comprehensive economic plan that will provide relief from the unprecedented cost of living crisis that we are experiencing.
We will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share and inject billions of dollars into the budget to be spent on building 100,000 public homes, free healthcare, free public transport, free education and community and youth programs. We will also freeze rents and cap increases, and make groceries cheaper with caps on essentials.
As somebody who wears many hats – I’m a mother of children at primary and secondary schools, a daughter to ageing parents, a continuous shift worker in the public healthcare setting and environmental/peace warrior – I know these things are attainable and will have a marvellous effect on our community. People will be able to live more comfortably, get from one place to another more easily, learn, get the medical services they need and feel connected to their community through hobbies and sporting groups.
I will serve our community, and fight for what is right. I will listen to you and stand up for what matters to you. The Greens don’t accept corporate donations like the old parties, so I will work for you, not vested interests.
I will not support genocide. I will not sell-out our precious habitat/landscapes to property developers who only want to make massive profits. I will support community consultation on infrastructure projects and ensure that our precious environment is never destroyed in the process.
Let’s send a message to the old parties that we are fed up with their inability to provide long-term solutions to the huge problems that we face as a society. If you want to see positive change in the Redlands, join my campaign and vote Green in October.
Got some information for us?
Contact the Vote Climate One Team
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)