Stafford/ 2024 Queensland state election
Here is your Traffic Light Voting Guide for Stafford. You can download the guide to your own computer, print, and fill it in at home and then take it to the polling booth with you. It’s super easy then to transfer your choices onto the ballot paper. Alternatively, take your phone with you when you head off to vote, and you can then access our advice on the screen.
In the meantime, you can scroll down this page to check out the Green Light Candidate profiles in your electorate.

The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the Queensland Legislative Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Green Light Candidates
Jessica Lane (Greens)

I am a bonafide ‘north-sider’ – born in Redcliffe, grew up in Boondall and have lived in Aspley and now the lovely Stafford Heights. My background is in secondary education and, over the last 15 years, I have taught thousands of students from primary school through to tertiary level.
I have lived in the Stafford electorate for 9 years with my husband, David, our two young daughters and our dog, Dee-Dee. On weekends, you will often find us – coffee in hand – hanging out at any of the beautiful local parks. If you see us, please come and say ‘hi’.
I believe that receiving quality education and skills-development should never be a privilege for the rich. Building and maintaining an equitable, world-class, taxpayer-funded education system – from early childhood through to tertiary – should be at the very centre of government policy. The future of our state literally depends on this. Yet our education system is in crisis and the current government has done little to address it.
I believe that we need to get more teachers elected to parliament to lead the way and help create a world-class education system right here in Queensland.
The majority of students in the Stafford electorate are educated in public schools, yet these schools continue to receive funding beneath the minimum school resourcing standard (SRS). For far too long, the state government has relied on the good will of parents and teachers to fill in the gaps. This is unacceptable, particularly during a cost-of-living crisis.
While our local schools fundraise in order to afford things like air-conditioning, mining companies are only paying 9% in royalties. That’s less than the GST. These natural resources belong to all Queenslanders, so all Queenslanders should benefit – particularly our children. Queenslanders could have everything they needed if mining companies paid their fair share.
That’s why the Greens will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share and use that money to build 100,000 public homes, fully fund schools, free childcare, hospitals and essential services. We’ll also freeze rents and cap increases.
The Greens will make groceries cheaper by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolies and stopping corporate price gouging for essentials. We’ll cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy, and take back control of our economy by bringing key infrastructure and services into public ownership.
Trust in the major parties is at an all-time low – and it’s easy to see why. But we have a chance to make a big difference to the political status quo. The Greens don’t take corporate donations like other parties do, so we’ll represent your needs – not wealthy donors.
I was drawn to teaching because I love making communities better, stronger and more connected. This year, don’t give your vote to yet another ‘career politician’ – give it to a teacher. This teacher.
Got some information for us?
Contact the Vote Climate One Team
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)