Theodore/ 2024 Queensland state election
Here is your Traffic Light Voting Guide for Theodore. You can download the guide to your own computer, print, and fill it in at home and then take it to the polling booth with you. It’s super easy then to transfer your choices onto the ballot paper. Alternatively, take your phone with you when you head off to vote, and you can then access our advice on the screen.
In the meantime, you can scroll down this page to check out the Green Light Candidate profiles in your electorate.

The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the Queensland Legislative Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Green Light Candidates
Chloe Snyman (AJP)

Chloe is an Outstanding Green Light Candidate
Chloe Snyman is proud to be running as your candidate for the Theodore electorate in the upcoming QLD State Election.
Chloe is a dedicated lifelong Gold Coast resident who is proud of her Aboriginal heritage, which inspires her dedication to fostering strong, inclusive communities and advocating for the rights of Indigenous Australians.
Chloe is a well known and trusted community member within Helensvale and Oxenford and is committed to these areas through professional practices, community involvement and her strong advocacy and work for animals.
The Animal Justice Party fully endorses the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
Andrew Stimson (Greens)

I’m a high school teacher with a background in both education and business. I’m active in local community groups, Community Alliance (GC) and Wildlife QLD (GC & Hinterland). Through my work teaching, I know first-hand how public schools are struggling due to lack of funding and how tough it is out in our community.
Our government needs to lead on global warming. The climate challenges the Gold Coast, and the rest of the state, faces are great. Experts are telling us we must act quickly – much more quickly that those with vested interests would like. The scientific evidence is now very clear that unless we move to 100% clean energy by 2030 and cut carbon pollution to zero by 2050, our state will be hit by more climate-related disasters like floods, cyclones, droughts and heatwaves. It’s now past time our state declared a climate emergency and puts a stop to any new coal and gas mine approvals.
As a result of lack of focus in the things that matter – housing, transport, schools, healthcare and safety are big issues for all of us. Buying a house has become unaffordable. And many are finding rents are also unaffordable. Many local roads are near gridlock at times as public transport goes under-funded.
I know first-hand how public schools may struggle as more money per student ends up in the private system. Hospitals and GP surgeries may at times be overrun and turn away sick patients. Crime is always a concern – it cannot help that children may not see their parents because they are working multiple jobs just to pay the rent.
We can start to address these issues right now by electing people who will fight for you, not vested interests.
The Greens will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share and use that money to build 100,000 public homes, fully fund schools, provide free childcare, hospitals and essential services.
We’ll take real action on the cost-of-living crisis. We’ll freeze rents and cap increases and make groceries cheaper by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolies and stopping price gouging for essentials. We’ll cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy.
As your Greens representative, I will work tirelessly to ensure everyone in Theodore gets the opportunities to have a good life and no one is left behind.
Will you join me?
Got some information for us?
Contact the Vote Climate One Team
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)