Churchlands/ 2025 West Australian state election
Here is the Traffic Light Voting Guide for your electorate. You can download, print, and fill it out at home.
Spend some time carefully numbering the white boxes before you head off to vote. When you arrive at the voting booth spread out your Traffic Light Voting Guide and transfer your numbered choices onto the official ballot papers. Alternatively you can use your phone to bring up our website and follow our advice for climate action.
Legislative Assembly Traffic Light Voting Guide
Legislative Council mockup Traffic Light Voting Guide
Scroll down further to check out any Green Light Candidate profiles who have nominated in your electorate.
The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the West Australian House of Assembly and Legislative Council relating to action on the climate emergency.
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Churchlands Green Light Candidates
Tian Carrie-Wilson (Independent)

Tian Carrie-Wilson is an Engineer and new technology enthusiast. He attended Churchlands SHS and graduated from The University of Western Australia with Bachelor degrees in Mechatronic Engineering and Computer Science. He has previously worked in the defence sector and is currently working to decarbonise the resources industry as an Electrical Engineer. In his spare time, he enjoys surfing, rugby, bikes of all types and reading about all things new. As a homeowner in Innaloo, Tian is keen to make a great difference for WA and Churchlands. Engineering smart policy.
Tian is an Outstanding Green Light Candidate
The Fusion Party endorses the 3R’s and the Climate Rescue Accord
Lisa Thornton (Independent)

Protecting Our Environment and Taking Climate Action:
I’m committed to protecting Churchlands’ natural spaces, expanding our tree canopy, and preserving local biodiversity. We need practical climate solutions that future-proof our community while safeguarding what makes Churchlands a special place to live.
Caroline McLean (Greens)

I am an insurance professional, and an avid climate and environmental volunteer. After spending my childhood visiting friends and family in Churchlands, I made this special place my home in late 2020.
The Australian dream isn’t what it used to be, with more people than ever living below the poverty line. We are a wealthy country and we should not be seeing such a disparity between the haves and have nots.
In WA we are also witnessing the continued destruction of our critically invaluable natural environment in the pursuit of profits, with the interests of large corporations often coming before the needs of the people and nature.
Western Australia is a special place: we have an abundance of unique plant and animal life. The south west of WA is one of 36 Global Biodiversity Hotspots, which is seriously concerning, as to be a Hotspot, over 70% of the natural vegetation in this area has already been cleared.
The Greens are the only party who is truly committed to protecting the environment, from our commitment to net-zero emissions by 2030 to our advocacy to keep our suburbs green. This is especially important in Churchlands, where we need to save our dwindling tree canopy and urban bushland that’s keeping our suburbs cool and providing much-needed habitat for endangered species.
I love our beautiful state and our way of life, so I will be the strong advocate that our people, our natural environment and our climate are calling for.
That’s why I’ve stepped up to represent Churchlands: we need good, strong leaders to focus on securing a safe and healthy future for all, rather than protecting the interests of the wealthy few.
The Greens are a grassroots movement, so we need your support to enact the change we all want to see.
You have the power to choose the future you want for yourself and your loved ones.
Together we can make history. Vote Greens 1 this election!coming soon!