Fremantle/ 2025 West Australian state election
Here is the Traffic Light Voting Guide for your electorate. You can download, print, and fill it out at home.
Spend some time carefully numbering the white boxes before you head off to vote. When you arrive at the voting booth spread out your Traffic Light Voting Guide and transfer your numbered choices onto the official ballot papers. Alternatively you can use your phone to bring up our website and follow our advice for climate action.
Legislative Assembly Traffic Light Voting Guide
Legislative Council Traffic Light Voting Guide
Scroll down further to check out any Green Light Candidate profiles who have nominated in your electorate.
The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the West Australian House of Assembly and Legislative Council relating to action on the climate emergency.
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Fremantle Green Light Candidates
Kate Hulett (Independent)

I am a long-standing champion for decisive and urgent climate action, the comprehensive protection of our environment, and the strengthening of our unique and precious biodiversity.
My vision for Fremantle is that its built and natural environments reflect the values of its people; that it leads the way in finding and implementing solutions for the climate crisis that enhance everyday lives, diversify our economy and create opportunities.
Like many residents of Fremantle, I am frustrated at the lack of serious action on climate and environment and at the government’s failure to secure the long-term wellbeing of our home and community.
Policy priorities:
- A full state-wide ban of fracking;
- Legislated targets for reducing our state’s emissions and for increasing renewable energy investment;
- No new, expanded or extended fossil fuel projects, including winding down fossil fuel projects on Murujuga (the Burrup Peninsula);
- The permanent protection of Scott Reef;
- Evidence-backed changes to prescribed burning in the South West, and;
- A strengthened, well funded and genuinely independent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
More climate policies will be announced shortly.
David Foley (LCWA)

Young boilermaker and medicinal cannabis advocate. David will challenge sitting minister Simone McGurk in the port city. You can watch his recent interview with Dr Walker.
David is an Outstanding Green Light Candidate
Legalise Cannabis WA endorses the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
Natashia Boland (Animal Justice Party)

Growing up on bushland property, my draw to animal welfare was heavily influenced by my mother. She was an early wildlife carer, volunteering her time and resources to care for injured animals until they could gradually be released into safe habitats. Throughout my younger years, evenings and weekends were often spent helping to care for joeys and wallabies — and it was these early experiences that sparked my passion for wildlife protection.
My career has been in academia as a professor in an area of applied mathematics, where I have enjoyed teaching and mentoring research students. As part of this, I have been active on issues of diversity and inclusion — initiating programs to improve the participation and success of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and maths).
Since retiring, I have dedicated my time to the animal protection cause. As a volunteer with the Animal Justice Party for a number of years, including on the WA Committee and as sitting Board Director, I have seen first-hand how transformative political representation can be for animals.
I believe that we can secure the kinds of wins for animals that we have seen with our MPs in NSW and Victoria — starting with reforming animal cruelty legislation and establishing a much-needed Veticare model in WA.
I also know that Fremantle residents often witness the horror of live animal export first-hand. If elected, I will work with the State Government to ensure the ban on live sheep exports remains, and that a just transition supports farmers to end the practice as soon as possible.
“I long for a world in which animals are never exploited and have the freedom to live full lives, and I will fight for any and all measures which move us closer to this reality.”
Natashia’s Key Priorities in this Election Include:
- Ending greyhound racing across the state, saving dogs from injury and death in the name of gambling profits
- Creating dedicated wildlife hospitals as part of our Veticare plan, to ensure our native icons receive critical veterinary care
- Rapid climate action to protect our rich biodiversity and reverse species extinction
Every vote for the Animal Justice Party is a step toward a brighter future for all living beings.
Natashia is an Outstanding Green Light Candidate
Animal Justice WA endorses the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
Felicity Townsend (Greens)

For years, I was involved in small-scale sustainability and community advocacy work. I saw the positive effects that local action could have, but it soon became clear to me that working within a broken system can only get you so far – if you want to make a substantial difference, you have to change the system.
There’s something special about Freo – if you live here, you know what I mean. But successive State governments have taken us for granted. They’ve pushed through projects and changes without stopping to ask us: is this right for Fremantle?
We’ve seen promises of public housing, only to have the development sites left empty for years on end, exacerbating the housing crisis. We’ve seen a new police precinct sprung on us, with no thought given to maintaining our City’s culture. And we’ve had to fight tooth and nail to have our voices heard when the Government tried to force their woefully inadequate Traffic Bridge redevelopment plan on us. Time and time again, Fremantle has been taken for granted.
We deserve a representative who will stand up to the State Government and tell them that our community will have its voice heard. We need someone who will do more than just rubber-stamp whatever the Government wants to do – someone who will force the Government to come to the table, early, and with open minds, and work with the community, not against us.
This election, a vote for The Greens is a vote for a voice for the Freo community. It is a vote for real action on the housing crisis. It is a vote for sustainable and thoughtful urban and community development. It is a vote for a future that Freo deserves.
A better future for Fremantle is possible – but if we want change, we have to make it happen together. Join me, and our Greens movement. Sign up to volunteer and join our team!