The climate crisis is now impacting all of us. Extreme weather events and changes to the climate are disrupting our lives and impacting our economy. It is having a profound effect on our weather patterns, environment and our health. We need to step up and fast track our efforts to reduce gas emissions while ensuring those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change are not left behind or forgotten. In an electorate facing challenges about the future of the environment, the need for more action in relation to renewable sources of energy, the impact of change on current employment opportunities and the creation of a stable environment for the Valley’s next generation, swift action has never been more critical.
We must act now to achieve a just transition from coal-powered to renewable energy that is centred on the diversification of industry. We need significant investment in employment opportunities that support and highlight the abundance of large and small-scale renewable energy projects and opportunities in our region. A truly just transition is informed by the people who live and work in the Latrobe Valley and whose future is most impacted by a move away from coal-powered energy.