All candidates from the Australian Greens have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. The party advocates for an immediate freeze on all new coal, oil and gas projects. They have a comprehensive and fully-costed climate plan which aims for a 100% transition to renewable energy. The plan takes into consideration the economic and social impact of climate change and the measures required to prevent further global warming.

Hi, I’m Jackie.
I’m a long-time Kew resident, and have worked in the healthcare space for over 20 years. It’s time for a progressive voice here – I will fight for the issues that matter most to Kew in our parliament.
As a community advocate, I understand that the people of Kew want open, honest representation that will put their needs above the political games that we have seen in the past. The Greens have a genuine commitment to making housing affordable in our area, improving integrity in parliament and pushing for a meaningful action on the climate emergency.
The Greens are also committed to removing our dependency on coal and gas by 2030 and improving the integrity of parliament by reducing the influence that this industry has.
With your help, we can push for a responsible, transparent government that represents us all.