All candidates from the Australian Greens have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. The party advocates for an immediate freeze on all new coal, oil and gas projects. They have a comprehensive and fully-costed climate plan which aims for a 100% transition to renewable energy. The plan takes into consideration the economic and social impact of climate change and the measures required to prevent further global warming.

Hi, I’m Harry
Having grown up here on the Mornington Peninsula, I know what a beautiful part of the world it is. I also know that this beauty is under threat.
Successive MPs have failed to protect our environment, representing only private developers. I want us to continue to be the natural gem of Melbourne that we can all enjoy.
Many, however, already struggle to live here. Thousands don’t have a place to call home, while tens of thousands of investment properties lay empty. The Greens will reduce housing stress by enabling longer, more secure leases and introducing new, better rental standards.
I also know from experience how hard it is to live here without a car. The Greens will add 3,000 solar powered buses to our transport system, to ensure reliable public transport we can all use. Your vote is powerful.