Vote Climate One has assessed Georgie as an excellent candidate for climate action. We predict that if she is elected to the Victorian parliament she will prove to be a loyal and effective representitive of the good people of Albert Park.

Hi, I’m Georgie
My name is Georgie Dragwidge, and I am your independent candidate for Albert Park this November.
I am a single mother of 15-year-old twins, and a local business owner, having run two successful businesses in the South Melbourne Market over the past 11 years. I hold my family connections close to my heart and credit my upbringing, from Greek immigrant parents, to why I am a hardworking and grounded person today.
It has long been a long-held dream of mine to take a political stand in the community which has supported me over the last 11 years.
I have experienced the hard work and commitment of the people of Albert Park and, like many, have been left frustrated by the inability of those in power to effect real change.
We need politicians that effectively represent our community with no games and no party politics. We need a local representative who can advocate for the concerns and needs of the community.
I want to bring my real-life experiences into politics and make it more accessible to all. My career so far is one that represents the lives of ordinary Victorians; I feel and see the concerns of those around me. I can address these concerns as your representative as I am truly independent- I do not live in a political bubble and am not answerable to lobbyists, donors, and power-brokers.
I have served the Albert Park community for 11 years. Now, I would like to do so as your local MP.
Together, we can do this.
My main policy priorities are:
- Advocate for the environment and climate action. I will lobby for a greater shift to renewable energy sources, incentivising businesses and homebuilders to transition from gas, and make Albert Park more electric vehicle friendly.
- Support calls for greater transparency and integrity for all politicians, have a fully funded anti-corruption body and aid in any inquiries made into the abuse of public funds.
- Give small businesses a greater voice in policy making procedure and create greater awareness of the programs already in place to develop and support small businesses.