2024 ACT Territory Election October 19th

The present ACT government would benefit from the positive influence of a progressive crossbench. Traffic Light Voting is biased towards that outcome. Furthermore, the election of progressive independents to the ACT Assembly has the potential to vitalise the Labor/Greens climate agenda. Use our Traffic Light Voting Guides to reinvigorate arguably Australia’s most climate-focused government.

Find your electorate here …


The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the ACT parliament relating to action on the climate emergency.

Pre-polling in the ACT starts on Tuesday October 8th. Voting guides will be available after the ballot draw on September 25th.

We are assessing all political parties and independent candidates. Candidates who are standing under a party banner are assessed with their party ranking. Nevertheless, we will assess all the party candidates standing for the Independents for Canberra party and for Strong Independents individually as independents. Please contact us if you have information which will help us with the assessment process. Phone Rob on 0427580803.

Any candidate or party who is prepared to formally support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord are automatically ranked as outstanding Green Light candidates in our voting advice.

Got some information for us?

Contact the Vote Climate One Team


(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)