Queensland Political Parties

Vote Climate One is fiercely non-aligned. We have assessed all political parties (except the two majors) purely on climate action potential.

Any candidate or party who is prepared to formally support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord are automatically ranked as outstanding Green Light candidates in our voting advice.

We believe the only way to ensure meaningful action on the Climate Emergency is to elect genuine political candidates with substantial climate action policies.

Use our Traffic Light Voting Guides to vote climate.

Green Light

All Green Light parties and groups have responded positively to our questions. Their policy statements, history, and other factors indicate that they are most likely to take action on climate change. The Outstanding Green Light parties support the Climate Rescue Accord.

  • Legalise Cannabis Queensland(An Outstanding Green Light party)
  • Animal Justice Party (An outstanding Green Light party)
  • Queensland Greens

    Orange Light

    All Orange Light parties and groups indicate support for climate action but have not been thoroughly convincing in either their performance or policy.

    • Australian Labor Party

    Red Light

    All Red Light political entities and their candidates are a dangerous choice. If they are able to form government, Australia will continue on a path toward severe climate disasters, contributing further to social injustice, poverty, and stress on health care systems.

    • Libertarian Party of Queensland
    • Liberal National Party of Queensland 
    • Family First Queensland
    • Katter’s Australian Party
    • Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Queensland Division