Bonny/ 2024 Queensland state election

Here is a mock up of a Traffic Light Voting Guide. The real time guides for each electorate will be available after the ballot draw which will happen either on Thursday October 10th or Friday October 11th. We will prepare the guides over the weekend ready for pre-polling on Monday October 14th. Once we upload them to the website, you will be able to download, print, and fill them in at home and then take them to the polling booth with you to easily transfer your choices onto the ballot paper.  Alternatively take your phone with you when you head off to vote and you can then access our advice on the screen.

In the meantime, you can scroll down this page to check out the Green Light Candidate profiles in your electorate.

The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the Queensland Legislative Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.

If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803

Amin Javanmard

Hi, I’m Amin and I’m your candidate for Bonney.

As a local community pharmacist and small business owner, my community is at the heart of who I am and what I do.

I have previously been a candidate for the Greens in Bonney and have spoken with many of you about your vision for our area

Our community has seen the effects of climate inaction first-hand, experiencing an unprecedented tornado on Christmas Day last year. The sudden, violent destruction was only matched by our community’s resilience in the following weeks as we put things back together in spite of the sluggish response from all levels of government.

For many of us, it gave us a glimpse into who will be helped – and more importantly who will be left behind by governments – not only from the consequences of the climate crisis, but also from the negative consequences of other choices made by governments.

Not only have these choices put us at greater risk from climate change, but they have made life more difficult as a result of lack of investment in the things that matter – housing, schools, healthcare, and safety.

Public schools struggle as more money per student ends up in the private system. Roads groan with traffic as public transport goes under-funded. Hospitals and GP surgeries turn away sick patients because the government isn’t supporting current and future staff. 

Families have to move frequently and essential workers need to move further away from the community they service as housing has become unaffordable. Kids don’t see their parents because they are working multiple jobs to pay rent. Local businesses struggle to find staff because employees can no longer afford to live nearby and are faced with prolonged and expensive commutes.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can start to address these issues right now by electing people who will fight for you, not vested interests. For far too long, Labor and the LNP have prioritised big business and their profits over everyday Queenslanders. The Greens don’t take corporate donations, so we work for you, not vested interests.

We will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share and use that money to build 100,000 public homes, fully fund schools, free childcare, hospitals and essential services. 

We’ll take real action on the cost of living crisis. We’ll freeze rents and cap increases and make groceries cheaper by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolies and stopping corporate price gouging for essentials. We’ll cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy. We’ll invest in free public transport – getting cars off our roads and making it quicker and easier to get from place to place. 

This state election is a real chance for change. As your representative, I will listen to you and help achieve the best outcomes for our community. Together, we can do this. Will you help me?

Got some information for us?

Contact the Vote Climate One Team


(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)