Blaxland/Federal Election 2025
Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.
Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.
Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Blaxland.
Green Light Candidates
Omar Sakr (Greens)

I am a Western Sydney man through and through: this is where I’ve spent my life, and this is the community I know and love. I live in Granville, and work in Fairfield for an independent arts charity that develops multilingual creative programs for migrant and refugee women and their kids. As someone who grew up in a low socioeconomic area, and went to public schools, I’m invested in giving back to and improving my community’s access to education and the arts.
My entire life I have seen the Arab and Muslim community subjected to discrimination, hyper surveillance, police violence, and relentlessly demonised in our media and even in Parliament. It’s not just that our armed forces have been involved in war crimes overseas, for which no one has been imprisoned except David McBride, the whistleblower who exposed the injustice in the first place, it’s that anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment has no consequence whatsoever, it’s tolerated at the highest level, as is the violence that follows.
We desperately need informed, educated representation that can speak to the issues that are impacting our lives. More than that, we need good people in Parliament—people who will do the right thing, and oppose injustices and discrimination consistently. This is the foundation on which everything rests. If you can’t trust someone to oppose the blatant evil of genocide, how can you trust them to create fair legislation, to govern justly, to uphold our values?
The major parties are not listening to us, and I’m determined to be a voice for change. With your support, we can and will ensure a more just and sustainable future for our children.