Macnamara/Federal Election 2025

Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.

Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.

Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Macnamara.

Sonya Semmens (Greens)

I’ve dedicated my life to fighting for our community – for a future where no one is left behind and we all have a quality affordable home, world class public services, and a safe climate.

I was born and raised in Dandenong, mum was a nurse and Dad was a teacher. They worked hard, in the service of others, and showed me that the most worthwhile achievements come through struggle. Now, I have four kids, in a big, beautiful, blended family and the struggle is real.

Our community can lead the rest of the country. But right now, our Labor representative doesn’t vote in line with our values in the Federal Parliament.

I’m a renter, a dog owner and a proud member of the community. I have faced insecure housing and I’ve done it tough. In a wealthy country like ours, no one should be homeless, no one should be living in poverty, and everyone should be able to live a decent life.

We need change. Right now our community has a chance to lead the nation.

Labor says one thing and does another. They’re more concerned with managing perceptions than people’s problems.

As someone who cares so deeply about our community, it’s devastating to see how many people are struggling to make ends meet. Instead of tackling the problems people face, Labor is backing their donors to make massive profits.

This seat is a contest between Labor and the Greens. The Liberals can’t win.

Our community deserves someone who will fight for them, not big corporations.

I will fight for renters and stressed mortgage holders. I’ll fight to make big corporations pay their fair share of tax, and use it to fund world class health, education and public services. We can take on the big supermarkets and end price gouging and profiteering. And, we can stop pouring more fuel on the climate fire, by stopping new coal and gas.

We have plans to build the biggest people-powered campaign Macnamara has ever seen. Labor is funded by big corporations but we are backed by people like you.

If you want to see change, the first step is voting for someone who will fight for you and the things you believe in.

I hope I can count on your vote.