Our $1.00 ,a week donation campaign has begun. Use the donate button above to start the ball rolling. We are happy with a dollar a week from a heap of people. Nevertheless there is the opportunity on the donation form to donate more than a dollar a week. Whatever weekly donation you choose, your account will be debited each month. The Federal election is just around the corner so let’s get cracking before it’s to late. Help us to achieve our first goal of signing-up one hundred donors by encouraging your family, friends or colleagues to donate just one dollar a week. If you have any questions phone Rob on 0427 580 803.
If enough people donate $1.00 per week we have a plan to change the Australian political landscape so that rescuing our climate will become the first priority for our national parliament.
You can still donate larger “one-off” amounts if you wish by using direct debit.
Our account name is Vote Climate One at the Bendigo Bank. Our BSB number is 633-000 and our account number is 218603710. Please include your name as a reference and email us at contact so we can give you updates about the Federal Traffic Light Voting Campaign.
We proved in the last Federal election that the distribution of hard copy Traffic Light Voting Guides changed the way people voted.
We need lots and lots of people regularly donating the small amount of $1.00 per week to cover the cost of printing around 60,000 copies of a Traffic Light Voting Guide (TLVG) for one federal electorate. The printing cost of a Traffic Light Voting Guide is around ten thousand dollars.
The letter-boxing of a Traffic light Voting Guide based on fiercley independent endorsement, can help to get a progressive independent over the line.
Labor needs to be forced into minority government with a progressive cross bench to undermine its capture by corporate bad actors.
A small sacrifice of $1.00 per week can be an effective contribution to action on climate.
Let’s get all our friends to sign up as well. this is a way to help the community independents to wrestle majority government from Labor.
If you, and as many of your friends you can include, give a regular donation of $1.00 per week to fund Traffic Light Voting Guides(TLVGs)…. this is what can happen!

By letter-boxing hard TLVGs in Labor held electorates we can help a small number of strong independents get over the line. Sometimes the result gets down to less than 100 votes.

In order to form government Labor will be compelled to negotiate with these newly elected progressive candidates.

Labor only needs to lose a couple of seats to be forced into minority government.

It will strengthen the position, in caucus, of those good Labor politicans who are horrified by the capture of their party by corporate bad actors.

This is a pathway to enforce parliamentary commitment to action on the ecological and climate emergency.
Small change each week from lots and lots of contributors will create the impact we need to restore some hope for the future.
Vote Climate One will use donations for printing TLVGs for the next Federal election. We are keen to connect with community independents to collaborate for letterboxing and the design of the guide.
Vote Climate One produces Traffic Light Voting guides for all Federal, State and Territory elections. We independently assess parties and candidates for their potential to act on the ecological and climate emergency. Vote for Green and Orange light candidates first. Put Red light candidates last.

David Pocock was succesfully elected to the Senate at the last Federal Election