Your Traffic light Voting Guide to elect five members for the Electorate of Brindabella will be available after September 25th. You can print the guide at home and take it to the polling booth to help steer your choices as you fill in the ballot paper. Alternatively you can access our advice on your mobile phone.

The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the ACT Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.

If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803

Robyn Soxsmith (AJP)

The Animal Justice Party has fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord.

Declare a Climate Emergency

The climate crisis is here. Australia is already growing warmer, experiencing changes in rainfall, catastrophic bushfires and witnessing rising sea levels. The devastating bushfires of 2019-20 placed our wildlife on a fast-track to extinction, with nearly three billion animals perishing.

Fossil fuels, including coal, are the most talked-about emitters of greenhouse gases. However, deforestation and animal agriculture are lesser-known major contributors. It’s time for Australia to move away from these destructive industries.

One way to unify the nation’s goal in tackling the climate crisis is by declaring a national climate emergency. The Animal Justice Party will work for this declaration and is the only political party willing to stand up against all causes of climate change, including animal agriculture.

Please add your name and details to our petition for the government to:

  1. Declare a climate emergency
  2. Commit to system-wide change which includes;
    • Investment in agriculture to farming communities, to transition towards plant-based farming enterprises that are healthier for animals, people, and the planet.
    • Introduction of legislation to remove subsidies on industries that damage our climate. ie coal, gas and animal agriculture.

Laura Nuttall (Greens)

I grew up right here in Brindabella, in Richardson, and it’s been my care for my community here in the South and the people around me that has always driven me forward. I became involved in politics to fight for refugee rights and faster action on climate change, and started to think about what needed to change locally when confronted with the dire state of my local shops in Richardson.

Before becoming your MLA for Brindabella, I graduated from ANU with bachelors in Asia Pacific studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics, and then worked in ACT Libraries.

Then, when I became the first Gen Z MLA to any Parliament in Australia in 2024 in 2023, I put those values and causes into action. As a young, queer woman with ADHD, I didn’t see people like me in any Australian parliament, and I’m so glad that I can be a voice for communities that traditionally have very little say in the affairs of government.

It’s my passion for environmental and economic justice that has driven me to run for re-election as your representative for Brindabella, to put Tuggeranong first, revitalise our neighbourhoods and tackle the climate and cost of living crises.

In 2020, we made history by electing six Greens MLAs to the Legislative Assembly, and we’ve made great strides since then, but there’s still so much more to do. Join me and together, we can fight the inequality and climate crises, and build a more progressive Canberra.

Sam Nugent (Greens)

I’m excited to be your Greens candidate for Brindabella.

Born in Brisbane, I moved to Canberra in 2017 and have called Tuggeranong my home since 2022, when my husband and two rescue cats moved into our apartment in Greenway. I love Brindabella, from Lake Tuggeranong to the mountains in the south of the electorate, and our wonderful, diverse community.

As someone who fled domestic violence and experienced homelessness, I became drawn to politics with a desire to make a difference in equity for housing, healthcare and women’s services for victims and survivors of domestic violence. For 25 years I practiced as a psychologist and rehabilitation clinician, working nationally to assess and rehabilitate patients with complex physical injuries and illnesses combined with mental health conditions. Throughout my career I have been driven by caring for people, innovating solutions for their needs, and this is what drew me to the Greens.

The Greens are the only party who truly cares about people and planet, and unlike the other major parties not driven by self-interest, greed or power. My husband and I faced eviction from what we thought would be our “forever home” in Canberra, and it’s left me passionate about fighting for better housing security and renters rights. As your Greens candidate for Brindabella and as a woman with an invisible disability, I will advocate for improving accessibility and funding our community health facilities for older residents and people with a disability.

In 2020 the Greens won Brindabella by 82 votes. Since that time my Greens colleagues have shown in the Assembly that pressure works, but there’s still so much work for us to do. Join me and my campaign team to keep Brindabella Green in 2024.

Got some information for us?

Contact the Vote Climate One Team


(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)