Vote Climate One assessed the Animal Justice Party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party (animal rights etc.) but has a real commitment to action on climate.
” He wants the government to assist farmers in transitioning to kinder and more sustainable plant-based methods, to ban the cruel live export trade, and to take firm action on the climate emergency.”

Michael Anagno is proud to represent the Animal Justice Party in the WA seat of Cowan on the land of the Whadjuk Noongar people. Passionate about animal rights, he has volunteered with the party for the past three years, ran as a candidate in the 2021 state election, and is currently the AJP WA state convenor. For as long as he can remember, Michael has spoken out against unfairness and injustice, both for humans and animals alike. He believes that how a society treats its most vulnerable members reflects back on the society itself; kindness breeds more kindness, whereas exploitation and abuse lead to worse outcomes for all concerned. He is particularly keen to drive this point home by highlighting the threats humanity faces from pandemics and antibiotic resistance, which are serious risks of intensive factory farming of animals. He wants the government to assist farmers in transitioning to kinder and more sustainable plant-based methods, to ban the cruel live export trade, and to take firm action on the climate emergency.
“An animal’s right to life is not trumped by our desire for taste, convenience, entertainment, or profit.”.
With an Honours degree in psychology and a keen interest in epistemology, Michael approaches situations from a scientific and philosophical perspective. He is passionate about bringing about positive change for animals through the political process using a rational, evidence-based approach. As a seasoned live musician, he is comfortable in the spotlight and is ready to be a voice for the most vulnerable members of our community.