All Fusion candidates have Green Traffic Light status. Their climate policy for fast transition to renewable energy is front and centre.
“Yes, businesses abuse the environment, much as they also deliver benefit. “

I have been frustrated by abuses I’ve seen in society for a long time. Creeping bureaucracy, which has meant that irreplaceable botanic samples from France were incinerated by our Customs authority. The abuse of Intellectual Property and Patents – we’ve heard so much about “Patent Trolls” and “Evergreening”. Importantly, also the abuse of language and twisted logic used by our politicians and the influence of vested interests with the ear of Government.
This frustration has led me to the Pirate Party and then Fusion. Politics has become excessively tribal, with being either pro-business or pro-labour meaning you can’t see the reality. Yes, businesses abuse the environment, much as they also deliver benefit. Yes, along the way worker’s rights have been suppressed. Going beyond the polarisation, it is Fusion that can see through the morass and make sense of it without falling down a rabbit hole.