Vote Climate One assessed the Animal Justice Party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party (animal rights etc.) but has a real commitment to action on climate.
” Rabin believes we can do better for animals and for the whole planet.”

Rabin believes that true justice can only be achieved when it embraces all creatures. For too long, humans have seen themselves as deserving of the comforts and freedoms which they deny to animals. Rabin has been working for many years to change this attitude and to make meaningful change to the way we consider and treat all species.
As a candidate, Rabin is committed to representing our core values of kindness and rationality by promoting policies which will profoundly improve the rights of all animals both here and globally.
An active and passionate opponent of live export in any form, Rabin will work hard to ban the cruelty of 1080 poison, the increasing encroachment of humans into animal habitats and the destruction of precious bush land and waterways. Rabin believes we can do better for animals and for the whole planet. And we must do better right now.