Climate One assessed this candidates party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party but has a real commitment to action on climate.
“Suzanne is concerned about the serious impact of animal agriculture on the planet, including greenhouse gas emissions, excessive use of land and water and nutrient run-off into the Great Barrier Reef. She is advocating for government support to transition to environmentally friendly and ethical agriculture. For her it’s not only compassionate but sensible.”

Suzanne Clarke is the Animal Justice Party (AJP) candidate for Rankin. She has lived in the south Brisbane region for over 30 years and has been advocating for better animal protection for the past decade. She is now running as a candidate to ensure that strong animal protection laws are introduced at the federal level. She will be a voice for animals in parliament, standing up to the major parties.
Since retiring after 32 years of public service, Suzanne has been active volunteering in the community, including on the board of an animal advocacy group, and involved in public education. It was live export that first grabbed her attention in 2011 when she learnt about the horrors of the ‘death ships’ and how Australian animals were being treated and slaughtered overseas. This issue will be her first priority in Parliament.
The links between animal cruelty, including that involved in live exports, kangaroo killing and factory farming, and interpersonal violence and violence towards women and children are also a great concern for Suzanne. She is committed to push for a federally funded body to protect animals and investigate the links between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence.
Suzanne is concerned about the serious impact of animal agriculture on the planet, including greenhouse gas emissions, excessive use of land and water and nutrient run-off into the Great Barrier Reef. She is advocating for government support to transition to environmentally friendly and ethical agriculture. For her it’s not only compassionate but sensible.