Vote Climate One assessed the Animal Justice Party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party (animal rights etc.) but has a real commitment to action on climate.
Pamela is a born and bred Melbournian and has spent most of her life campaigning for positive change in the way we treat animals and campaigning on other social and environmental issues. She has volunteered and supported many causes over the years including raising funds for humpback whales, volunteering at animal refuges in India, campaigning to save Arthur’s Seat and is now a candidate for the Animal Justice Party. She doesn’t plan to stop and will continue doing so until we see real, lasting change.
Pamela is campaigning to end animal suffering and to create a fairer, more equitable society. She sees the threat of animal extinctions from habitat loss, our treatment of the environment and the threat of disease outbreaks leading to human pandemic from the exploitation of farmed animals as needing the most urgent attention. She calls on the Government to adopt the IPCC recommendation for humans to urgently shift to a more plant-based diet and for positive action on the treatment of First Nations people and refugees in Australia.