I am a scientist and want to become the federal representative for the electorate I grew up in -Forde. For too long we have been neglected by our representatives. For too long we have been treated as an accessory, that can be ignored. And for too long we have been treated as a safe seat, not worthy of consideration or respect. I want to change that.
Unlike Mr. Van Manen, I want to invest in our local infrastructure so that we can stop youth and skilled workers feeling pressured to move away to Brisbane or the Gold Coast because they provide more opportunities. I also want to collaborate with the State government to provide more public transport to the rural and semi-rural parts of our communities so that everyone in our community has the opportunity to commute to work or study without the need for private transportation.
Secondly, I want to work with economic experts to fix our economy. Part of this will be ensuring that everyone pays their fair share of tax. It is not fair or right… or even legal that billionaires, many of whom are under the control of foreign interests, pay less tax than you I want to stop this.
I intend to represent the silent majority who are sick of the Coalition failing to uphold ‘Liberal’ ideals. This mob spit in the face of everything that Robert Menzies’ believed in. For all Menzies’ faults, he had a solid understanding of economics and a strong sense of public duty. This government has little to no understanding of economics, science, or public relations; but get elected, nonetheless, because of the Liberal Party name alone… and this must stop.
If elected I would like to protect the funding of the national broadcasters in our Constitution. I want these public services to have guaranteed funding so that they can do journalism without fear of retribution from any government, including governments that I serve in.
Lastly, I think it’s about time that politicians are held to the same standards as everyone else. We shouldn’t just accept that corruption is a part of Federal politics, and I want fix this. As per our party policies I intend to work to create an anticorruption commission that has teeth, is truly independent, and can punish the corrupt behaviour of politicians retroactively. Enough is enough, Australians deserve to have honest people representing them in parliament.