Vote Climate One assessed the Animal Justice Party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party (animal rights etc.) but has a real commitment to action on climate.
“In her role as a candidate for the upcoming Federal Election, Helen will be speaking up on behalf of the animals we represent to ensure laws and policies are implemented and enforced to achieve genuine justice for animals.”

Helen lives in the temperate rainforest of the Tarra Valley in Gippsland and works as a Doctor of Paediatric Neuropsychology at one of Gippsland’s largest public hospitals. As a health practitioner, Helen aims to treat her patients, and their families, with respect, compassion, empathy, and kindness; and strongly believes that non-human animals deserve the same fundamental rights.
Helen is a passionate advocate for non-human animals and maintains a cruelty-free lifestyle. She actively participates in campaigns to end: greyhound racing, duck shooting, jumps racing, puppy farms, live export and factory farming.
Helen is one of the Executive Producers for the 2018 Australian documentary Dominion; a feature-length film exploring the morality and validity of our dominion over the animal kingdom.
In her role as a candidate for the upcoming Federal Election, Helen will be speaking up on behalf of the animals we represent to ensure laws and policies are implemented and enforced to achieve genuine justice for animals.