Vote Climate One assessed this candidates party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party but has a real commitment to action on climate.
“She will also endeavour to push the government to take immediate and substantial action on climate change; transition to sustainable energy and food production; improve transparency in animal agriculture; and introduce clearer food labelling laws so that consumers can make informed choices.”

Angela Lowery is the Animal Justice Party (AJP) candidate for the electoral district of Bundamba in the 2020 State Election. Angela is a university student undertaking a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in International Relations. By advocating for change at the government level, she hopes to make a real difference in the lives of animals.
A lifelong resident of Bundamba, Angela has strong convictions and an unwavering commitment to the protection of animals. She regularly participates in animal rights activism, taking every opportunity to raise awareness of, and help educate people on, issues such as animals in captivity and their use in entertainment.
“I believe all sentient beings deserve respect and have the right to live free from harmful interference.” If elected, Angela will oppose the proposed construction of a $40 million greyhound track in Yamanto, due to commence in 2022. “Ipswich would be a better place if the money spent on the cruel racing industry were directed towards programs that instead helped animals, preserved the environment, and helped the people living in Ipswich.”
Angela is determined to see all forms of animal entertainment abolished in Queensland. “The Hudsons Circus that comes to Springfield has a Globe of Death act – it doesn’t need horses or camels to make it exciting.”
Angela believes the government should do more to support animal rescuers who work hard to rehabilitate wildlife before releasing them. “I don’t believe zoos are educational or that captivity equals conservation – there are much better ways to help animals in need.”
As a political voice for both animals and the environment, Angela wants mining and resources companies to be held to account for their destruction of the state’s precious landscapes and is keen to find better housing solutions that will end the devastating impacts of land clearing in residential estates.
She will also endeavour to push the government to take immediate and substantial action on climate change; transition to sustainable energy and food production; improve transparency in animal agriculture; and introduce clearer food labelling laws so that consumers can make informed choices.
“Living sustainably is very important to me. I make a lot of my own household products and we have a huge veggie garden, which is also home to lots of bees. There is a role for the government to make it easier for Queenslanders to choose sustainable options and be informed about the impact of consumer culture.”
A past volunteer for Animal Liberation Queensland and Coast to Coast Animal Friends, Angela proudly sponsors a cow named Mr Eight at Cranky’s Farm Animal Rescue Mission.