Vote Climate One assessed this candidates party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party but has a real commitment to action on climate.
” At the local level, Linda is committed to listening, respecting and giving support to our local wildlife groups in safeguarding Cornubia Forest, as it is the home to a variety of native wildlife, including koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and many species of birds.”

Linda McCarthy is a mother, grandmother and a local resident for over thirty years. She raised her three children in the area and now her grandchildren attend the same schools and engage in the same local sporting clubs.
Linda has had a lifelong love of all nature and animals. Since retiring to care for her elderley mother, Linda has found the time to advocate strongly for all animals and bushland protection. She has organised numerous demonstrations and protests to highlight the many ways animals are exploited and the devastating impact that habitat destruction has on our wildlife. Linda implemented a successful anti fur campaign in her area followed with interest by the local newspaper. Her campaign supported by local residents resulted in 3 stores, a small independent and 2 different national homewares stores agreeing to remove and to not restock fur items again.
Linda’s first priority in Parliament will be to fight for a ban on the live export of animals. She believes that the majority of people agree that this is an inherently cruel industry which should not be allowed to continue. She was horrified by the unprecedented 2019 megafires that impacted 3 billion animals nationally and will take action. At the local level, Linda is committed to listening, respecting and giving support to our local wildlife groups in safeguarding Cornubia Forest, as it is the home to a variety of native wildlife, including koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and many species of birds.