Vote Climate One assessed the Animal Justice Party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party (animal rights etc.) but has a real commitment to action on climate.
“When elected, Rachael will work to introduce legislation to ban fracking and phase out fossil fuels; support industries to transition to plant-based alternatives and renewable energy; and protect native forests, waterways and First Nations sacred sites.”

Rachael is an advocate for both human and animal rights, a resident of inner Naarm/Melbourne who believes that Government policies need to reflect and support our diverse community, and ensure the protection of animals and our environment for future generations.
Having worked in the tourism industry across three continents, Rachael is a passionate global citizen who wants to protect the amazing country we live in. With first-hand experience in dealing with adverse global events in her work, she knows the severe impact that the climate emergency will have on the Australian people, wildlife and economy if the causes of climate change are not addressed. Rachael is clear on what needs to be done: immediate action and innovative solutions in order to reach net-zero emissions by 2035 and restore her region’s rich biodiversity.
When elected, Rachael will work to introduce legislation to ban fracking and phase out fossil fuels; support industries to transition to plant-based alternatives and renewable energy; and protect native forests, waterways and First Nations sacred sites.
She will work towards legislating bans on live animal export, animal testing and factory farming; and she will be campaigning to end the cruel use of animals for sport or entertainment.