Vote Climate One assessed this candidates party as a Green Light Party. This is a single issue party but has a real commitment to action on climate.
“I will advocate to further protect our treasured coastline, develop our ecotourism sector, be the voice for our native animals and sea life, as well as protect our companion animals by phasing out puppy farms and promoting adoption.”

Tash Poole is the Animal Justice Party (AJP) candidate for the electoral District of Maroochydore in the 2020 State Election. Tash works for a locally founded company and brings to her candidacy a mix of management, planning and negotiating experience from diverse industries, including law, tourism, health and fitness.
Tash believes that, like humans, all animals have a basic right to live free from pain and suffering and, if elected, she will work tirelessly to protect all the animals that call the Sunshine Coast home. “I will advocate to further protect our treasured coastline, develop our ecotourism sector, be the voice for our native animals and sea life, as well as protect our companion animals by phasing out puppy farms and promoting adoption.”
Tash relocated to the Sunshine Coast six years ago, having spent many treasured Easter and Christmas holidays here with her family. The move was an easy choice she says, “What we have here is special: a vibrant, active and adventurous lifestyle, plus the opportunity to have a career or business in a location that is the envy of many.”
As an animal lover and political enthusiast, Tash has been able to combine her two interests, joining the AJP three years ago. Her aim during this election campaign is to raise awareness of, and help grow, the party in Queensland; act as a voice for the animals in Parliament; and promote AJP’s values of kindness, rationality, equality and non-violence.
Alongside Tash’s vision for a kinder world for animals, she is also passionate about the way we treat planet Earth. “I’m committed to living a sustainable life that benefits the environment, the animals and therefore our future generations. I will advocate for policies and strategies that align with conservation of our natural ecosystems and sustainable living.”
Tash is a proactive member of the health and fitness community, organising local events and inspiring both women and men to live an active, plant-based lifestyle. “I’m on a mission to provoke a change in conversation and share my knowledge and experience of how easy plant-based eating is, as well as its health and financial benefits for the community. I want to encourage residents in the electorate of Maroochydore to support our horticulture industry and to embrace shopping at local farmers’ markets.”
Enthusiastic and determined, Tash will bring a new energy and compassion to the Queensland Parliament, along with the understanding that animals should not be left out of the conversation.