DAOUD, Jamal

NSW 2023 election candidate Jamal DAOUD. Electorate: Auburn. Climate action assessment: RED

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.


NSW 2023 election candidate DOUAIHY Julie MORKOS. Electorate: Auburn. Climate action assessment: RED

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

GOED, Shelley

NSW 2023 election candidate Shelley GOED. Electorate: Auburn. Climate action assessment: GREEN

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

ZAMAN, Mohammed (Haseen)

NSW 2023 election candidate Mohammed (Haseen) ZAMAN. Electorate: Auburn. Climate action assessment: ORANGE

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.


NSW 2023 election candidate Tanya DAVIES. Electorate: Badgerys Creek. Climate action assessment: ORANGE

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

GREEN, Benjamin

NSW 2023 election candidate Benjamin GREEN. Electorate: Badgerys Creek. Climate action assessment: RED

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

BEST, Nick

NSW 2023 election candidate Nick BEST. Electorate: Badgerys Creek. Climate action assessment: GREEN

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

THAIN, Garion

NSW 2023 election candidate Garion THAIN. Electorate: Badgerys Creek. Climate action assessment: ORANGE

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.


NSW 2023 election candidate Peter COOPER. Electorate: Badgerys Creek. Climate action assessment: GREEN

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.


NSW 2023 election candidate Peter JENKINS. Electorate: Ballina. Climate action assessment: GREEN

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.