Arielle Perkett

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Related Policies & Positions

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Carmen Terceiro

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Related Policies & Positions

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Kellie Pearce

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Victoria Davies 

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Kacey King 

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Matt Twaddell 

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

How the NSW hard-right Lib’s spiderweb works

4 Corners’ “War Within” explores the holywar between Federal Senator Alex Hawke’s Pentecostals and Clarke/Perrettet religio-fascist Catholics

This article presented here follows on from, Is Premier Perrettet a far-right puppet, or the puppet master?, on the still active spiderweb of branch stacking, influence and probable thuggery by right-wing factions of the NSW Liberal Party. In writing this article I missed including ABC Four Corners’ report of “The War Within” broadcast on 04/07/2022.

The Slovenian Nazi sympathizer, Lyenko Urbanchich started building the web within the NSW Liberal Party more than 40 years ago. From around 2000, Lyenko’s protege` state MLC David Clarke nurtured Federal Senator Alex Hawke, several of the Perrottet brothers, and Damian Tudehope amongst others before retiring in 2019. Dominic Perrottet appears to be the heir apparent webmaster….

SEAN NICHOLLS, REPORTER: Tonight on Four Corners, we expose the factional infighting being blamed for fomenting the Coalition’s devastating election loss … with Liberal party insiders speaking out [not] for the first time. We investigate extraordinary allegations about backroom party operatives and how they tried to wield their power. And reveal how, on the brink of a federal election, the internal warfare was deliberately escalated, driven by deep-set hatred and a hunger for revenge. 

What does this have to do with the climate emergency?

ABC did establish that Charles Perrottet (one of Dominic’s several brothers) did meet with the dodgy developer Jean Nassif who planed to build several new tower apartment buildings in the Hills Council district. They could not confirm that the dossier correctly presented what was discussed at that meeting.

From the plethora of evidence accumulated over more than 40 years, faction fighting by – and even among — the ‘holy warriors’ on the dogmatic right of the NSW Liberal Party comes closer to what the ABC styled as mafia turf wars than any reasonable political process working to implement the democratically decided will of people. The winners’ goals seem to enhance their power in government to impose their ‘holy’ dogmas more widely on the populace, and to increase their funding from special interests who will support their campaigns in return for being allowed to do what they want to do with minimal government interference. The battle ground has largely been to control enough of admin and leadership roles in the Party’s political apparatus to be able to the candidates allowed to run under the party banner in each electorate – especially in those seats that are ‘safe’. In such safe seats, voters effectively have no say over the appointed candidate if they are ‘rusted on’ voters for the party.

History shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi’s used these kinds of tactics (combined with extreme thuggery) to take control of the German state prior to WWII to impose his ‘final solution‘ on the Jews and ‘Lebensraum‘. Similarly Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks followed a similar path to replace/exterminate the Russian monarchy and impose ‘dictatorship of the proletariat‘ on the people.

Also, and actually a lot more importantly where our future is concerned, physical reality (aside from power) rarely plays much of a role in dogmatic holy wars. From what I can see, none of the hard-right factions are concerned about our deteriorating climate. They certainly aren’t much concerned about mitigation or remediation of the damages already taking place. This makes them ready cooperators with special interests who will covertly and overtly fund their electoral campaigns, e.g.,

  • 21/02/2023 – The Guardian: NSW could invest in coalmines if companies can’t raise the cash, Dominic Perrottet told gathering
  • 05/12/2022 – Financial Review: It’s not just Albanese who’s stuck in an energy price mess. “…Perrottet waited until Kean was out of the country at COP 27, pushing NSW’s credentials in the energy transition, to call in departmental chiefs and insist that the approvals for Narrabri be speeded up rather than continue at a snail’s pace. Even more pointedly, Perrottet also appointed Paul Broad as his special adviser on energy – without Kean’s approval or knowledge – leaving the minister feeling blindsided. The gas industry takes this as evidence that Perrottet is equally determined to have an alternative voice on energy – and one with strongly different views to those regularly espoused by Kean.”
  • 30/01/2023 – Lock the Gate: Perrottet Government mulls approval for coal project that would produce 8 times NSW yearly greenhouse emissions. “… [I]f the Perrottet Government is serious about reducing emissions, projects like Glencore and Yancoal’s HVO coal project must not stand a chance of being approved,” he said. “Unfortunately, the NSW Government has a track record of backing new and expanded coal mining, and has failed to adopt policies to prevent coal mines from blowing NSW’s 2030 and 2050 emission targets. “This year, the NSW Government looks set to consider the most new and expanded coal mining capacity in the state since the Paris Agreement. This is an absurd position for a government that claims to have good climate credentials. “Considering such a carbon polluting bomb makes a mockery of any commitments our governments have to reduce emissions and puts Australian communities at risk from severe weather.  “Offsets are essentially a giant con, but the idea that 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon emissions could be offset is beyond laughable.”

It’s time to cleanse NSW and Australia of this filthy and dangerous web!

How Can the election help?

VoteClimateOne recommends that if you vote in a ‘safe’ electorate and are concerned about the NSW Government’s intent to deal with the reality of the climate emergency or the Government’s lack of political integrity, think seriously about not voting for your Liberal candidate. This may help remove a puppet from Parliament, or at least turn your previously safe electorate into one where there is a chance to democratically preselect a candidate who will actually be concerned about your interests.

We won’t tell you how to vote, but we do suggest that you check our VOTING GUIDES – NSW for your electorate before you vote for our rankings to see how we rank all candidates in relation to their likely actions on the climate and ecological emergency. We will also flag candidates that we think are puppets or players in the Urbanchich/Clarke/Perrottet or Hawke spiderwebs. Note: our Guides won’t be finalized until we see the formal ballots for each electorate. Hopefully, we will be able to publish our rankings before the polls open. The guides are designed to help you make your selections at home, so all you have to do is transfer them to the formal ballot paper when you reach the polling place.

Featured image:

Concetta Fieravanti-Wells giving her valedictory speech on the end of her 17 years loyal service as Senator for NSW where she blew the whistle on corrupt practices in the NSW Liberal Party. From the Guardian

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Greg Keightley

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Emma Kerin

The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.


The Climate Emergency

The AJP is the only political party with policies that comprehensively take into account all sources of emissions, including the impact of animal agriculture and land clearing on the global climate, and the need to urgently transition to a plant-based diet in order to address the climate crisis.


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will take urgent action to address the climate emergency. In addition to phasing out fossil fuels, we will transition from animal agriculture towards more sustainable plant-based farming, and transform other climate threatening industries and practices. This is essential not only to reduce harmful emissions, but also to protect nature, and human and other animal life.

Key Objectives

  1. Declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.
  2. Rapidly transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture and promote plant-based diets (see our Human Diet and Animals Policy). 
  3. Protect, regenerate, expand, rewild and enhance all ecological systems including forests, grasslands, freshwater and marine habitats, in part by reserving at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Policies on Human PopulationLand Clearing and Marine Animals).
  4. Develop water management policies that are responsive to climate change and that prioritise animals, the environment and people over commercial interests (see our Water Management Policy).
  5. Develop and fund comprehensive plans and actions to assist all animal species and vulnerable human populations to adapt to a changing climate.
  6. Rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to clean energy infrastructure (see our Energy Policy).
  7. Commit to ambitious emission reduction targets which do not encourage dead end ‘solutions’, such as natural gas (see our latest Election Platform).
  8. Remove subsidies from the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries in the interim and redirect funding into clean energy solutions and sustainable plant-based agriculture.
  9. Shift away from road transport toward more environmentally-friendly modes, including rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling (see our Land Transport Policy).
  10. Reimagine urban design to be climate-friendly and climate-resilient, and incentivise research and development into net zero carbon building materials and practices. 


The climate emergency is a planetary crisis requiring immediate and substantial action. It is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause the Earth’s temperature to rise, i.e., global heating. Moreover, global heating creates feedback loops, causing more carbon dioxide to be released, for example, through the thawing of permafrost. Human activity drives the increases in greenhouse gas emission, e.g., land clearing, animal agriculture and fossil fuel use, but also transport, and building and construction. Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas; methane, nitrous oxide and various fluorine gases are also contributors. 

Humans and other animals are already suffering from the impacts of the climate emergency. This emergency is driving species extinction, changes in weather and climatic extremes, changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture, our ability to grow food, availability of and access to freshwater, and more. In Australia, for example, the climate emergency has already significantly impacted our water security. Entire social and technological systems will also feel the impact, such as our health systems and energy systems.  

Even when we stop emitting greenhouse gases, heating will continue for some decades. There is evidence that tipping points are near. Ultimately, the climate emergency is as much a threat to nature and our biological systems as it is a threat to our social and political systems worldwide. 

The imperative is for urgent action now to protect what we can, stop the emission of greenhouse gases, and accelerate ecological regeneration for climate protection.

Climate Justice

The brunt of the climate emergency will be borne disproportionately by socially and economically disadvantaged groups such as women and childrenFirst Nations Peoplesyounger generations and non-human animals. This is felt between and within nations, leading to ever greater inequalities. The AJP supports measures to alleviate these environmental and climate injustices.

With the growing number of climate refugees, the AJP will help Australia to fulfil its role as a good global citizen for those in need (see our Asylum Seeker Position). Many are already affected by the climate emergency in Australia and overseas, and we support speedy and effective measures for those suffering hardship.

To address the problem, we must offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment, in particular those with significant climate footprints. Our Ethical Economy Policy calls for a transition to kind and meaningful employment for all Australians.

There is an important role for First Nations People and local communities in advising and taking leading roles in protecting and climate-proofing nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations People to adopt these leadership roles (see our First Nations Position).   

Climate justice must include all species. AJP supports the reservation of at least 50% of the planet for nature (see our Human Population Policy), and calls for the regeneration of the natural world and adaptation strategies to assist animals facing a changing climate. Ultimately, this will create a more resilient and healthier world for all of us.

Regeneration and Protection of Nature

Our survival and the survival of other species depends on a healthy environment. However, major crises are threatening life on Earth: the climate emergency, biodiversity emergency, and emerging diseases. These crises are connected. An important part of the solution is the protection and regeneration of nature, enabled by a shift to a plant-based diet (see below in the Animal Agriculture section). Our vision includes natural and assisted regeneration, such as rewilding current agricultural lands, planting trees, improving biodiversity in parks and cities, and rehabilitating former mining sites, other land and waterways.

The United Nations Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 identifies eight critical transitions that are required to shift to a “sustainable coexistence with nature”. One transition is focused on the climate emergency, while agriculture is directly or indirectly implicated in most of these transitions. That is why AJP specifically focuses on animal agriculture in this policy.

Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels is not the only source of carbon dioxide pollution, but it is the largest. Fossil fuels are also used directly to provide carbon for steel, plastic and chemical production. In cold climates, fossil fuels are the major source of direct heating; and in all climates the major source of energy for transport (see our Land Transport Policy). 

Global agreements to limit fossil fuels have only slowed the rate of increase. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a global increase in the use of coal (by 7.6%), oil (by 5%) and gas (by 15%). 

Rather than using and exporting fossil fuels, Australia must develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world. The AJP is committed to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, supporting innovation, and transitioning to clean energy infrastructure.

Animal Agriculture and Food Choices

Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and yet, it is too often overlooked or ignored by climate advocates and major political parties. In Australia, agriculture contributes around 13% of our greenhouse gas emissions each year without considering the effects of land-clearing. However, that 13% is misleading: methane emitted by animal agriculture has a much greater heating effect than the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.

The following chart, using Australia’s 2021 UN Inventory data, shows that methane emissions from Australia’s 28 million cows and 70 million sheep will have more impact on the climate in the next 20 years (GWP20) than all of our coal or gas-fired electricity power stations combined (Figure 1).

If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with an instantaneous cessation of fossil fuel use. Climate solutions must tackle both carbon dioxide and methane levels simultaneously.

For a truly sustainable, equitable and food-secure future, global organisations are now calling on governments to commit to a reduction in or moratoriums on animal agriculture and positive support for plant-based diets, including 

This transition will invariably require government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g., alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats. These types of TransFARMation projects are already taking place successfully around the world. Major meat producers are adopting plant-based products in an effort to meet consumer demand and protect their bottom line. 

Australian governments, other Australian political parties and the animal agriculture industry fail to recognise animal agriculture as part of the problem. They propose ineffective responses to this problem. For example, feeding cows red seaweed makes headlines but only covers 10% of their lifetime emissions, has serious animal welfare implications, is impractical to scale commercially, and fails to address land clearing.

Building and Urban Design

New homes in Australia are among the largest in the world; particularly free-standing houses. Large houses use more materials to build and furnish, and more energy to run. All material goods begin either as the output of mines, forests, cropping, or animal agriculture. Housing materials and contents frequently generate emissions not just via energy used in mining and processing, but also via the chemistry of manufacture. Cement, for example, not only uses prodigious amounts of energy during production, but the process itself generates carbon dioxide. Global cement production is about 4.4 billion tonnes per year; generating about 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. We desperately need a climate-friendly alternative. 

It is not just the homes and buildings we need to change, but the cities and townscapes around them. Cities are major sources of emissions. We must mitigate climate change by stopping urban sprawl and developing walkable cities (see our Human Population & Planning and Land Transport Policies). Australia must also adapt to climate change by welcoming nature back into our suburbs (see our Urban Animals Policy) and making our towns and cities cooler with better designs, less concrete and more green spaces. Implementing biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD) creates settlements that support the local ecosystem rather than replace it. It is positive all round: cities are cooler and emit less, people are happier and more active, and species become more resilient to a changing climate and landscape.

Climate Targets

The AJP wants to see Australia’s emissions plummet but cautions against interim measures which may risk entrenching the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. For example, switching from coal to gas and offshoring emission intensive industries has provided short-term ‘good news’ for domestic audiences but may do more harm than good in the long run. Targets in the fossil fuel industry must mean transitioning to clean energy; not investing in trying to make fossil fuels ‘cleaner’. Likewise, targets in animal agriculture must mean transitioning towards sustainable plant-based agriculture; not ‘greenwashing’ suggestions like feeding cows seaweed (see above). 

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.