About Helen Conway
One of the most senior and respected women leaders in NSW will be the community independent candidate for North Shore on March 25.
Helen Conway has lived in the area for almost 30 years and she is the local voice the community can really trust.
Helen has worked at a senior level in a range of large organisations in the commercial, public and not-for-profit sectors. She’s a champion of women’s rights in the workplace and has been appointed to senior leadership roles by both major parties.
As a community independent, Helen says she’ll turn up every day to represent local interests, not the interests of a political party”
Climate Change
Climate change initiatives need to be accelerated with progress reported transparently to the community and include a strong focus on protecting our biodiversity and ceasing logging of native forests.
I support emission reduction targets of 60% by 2030, 80% by 2035 and net zero by 2040.