The sentinel lighthouse warns mariners of rocky shores. Climate Sentinel News provides similar warnings to Australians and people everywhere threatened by the growing Climate Emergency.
I am sorry about the long gap in my tracking of the still acceleration gamut of extreme weather worldwide. Every week, if not every day, brings yet more grim news of death and destruction from billion-dollar climate catastrophes. (From Watersheds, flooding, and pollution - Look around you, right now — you are in a watershed
If we don’t reverse the climate system’s growing energy imbalance it will soon drive us over the lethal fall into global mass extinction ALL the global climate indicators are at or near all-time records so extreme that by September last year staid climate professionals have called the readings “gobsmackingly bananas.” — a phrase that is …
William P. Hall
2024-09-03 19:09:13
Rev. 0 – 11/03/2024! 2023 set new planetary extremes as our activities force global temperatures ever higher on the way to mass extinction. 2024 looks even worse! Soon humans will no longer be able to survive in the climate we are forging. My featured image of the state of Earth’s oceans up to February 1 …
(Rev. 2 – 29/10/2023) Water was the cradle and mother of all life. When the world is too hot it is also the destructor that erases life, as in Derna, Libya on 11/09/2023 Life originated in the sea, dependent on and driven by water based chemistry. When our remote ancestors colonized the land more than …
America's upcoming presidential election may be a crucial event in human history
Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race for president and recommendation of Kamala Harris for the job is epochal. Biden was OK for the environment but couldn’t defeat Trump. Harris has what it takes to demolish Trump and lead the battle against runaway warming.
Act now before it is too late! Colossal wildfires burn across Canada, driving thousands of people to evacuate with kids, pets and precious belongings CNN’s featured image shows a pumper truck spraying fire retardant on trees around the evacuated neighborhood of Beacon Hill in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, on Wednesday.Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press/AP, 16 May, …
If you want a future, it is time to take global warming seriously and totally mobilize to fight the fires driving us towards Hothouse Hell. Bill McKibben, one of America’s most respected environmentalists and a founder of the international 350.org, reports from the northern state of Vermont on the winter that wasn’t. As noted by …
On Saturday the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) was less than 0.1 °C below last year’s record set in August. Traditionally the global peak temperature for the year is reached in March. This year will probably be well and truly off this chart, yet humans are still burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate driving us …
“The Copernicus report said if December records a similar temperature anomaly to November, the average temperature for 2023 will be 1.48 degrees above the pre-industrial reference level.” Chances are that if December is significantly hotter than November, Earth will break the 1.5 °C ‘barrier’ this year, that COP 28 is supposedly working towards stopping…… See …
A relatively unedited set of links, graphics and and comments on our still growing climate crisis. A physicist’s thoughts on our excursion down the highway to our possible extinction Earth’s Hothouse Hell. Opinion: Climate Doomism Disregards the Science “Climate change is a highway, not a cliff, and we can still take the exit ramp. (Michael …
Dr Andrew (“Twiggy”) Forrest tells international business and political forum the factual reality that “Business will kill your children!” When I started this essay, Renew Economy, whose article is linked below, was one of the few mentions I found in the press or social media of the unique event where any self-made billionaire, let alone …
Notable observations and news items from the Web, with no processing and little in the way of comment. Make of them what you will. Leading up to this September’s extremes https://grist.org/extreme-heat/parts-of-the-world-have-already-grown-too-hot-for-human-survival/ How much are these extremes costing society. For an idea see the following graphic from Scientific American’s blog. Note: this graphic applies only to …
G20 nations broke records in 2022 subsidizing fossil fuel: $1.4 TN in 2022 — more than twice what they have invested in sustainable energy. Clearly, fossil fuel subsidies help the greedy special interests whose carbon emissions are smothering our planet drag us towards mass extinction from the ‘runaway greenhouse‘. Equally clearly, members of governments approving …
Labor Gov’t slashes vital Antarctic research by $25 M while promoting fossil fuel production/export and gifting $200 million to Aussie sport despite the desperate need to understand how unprecedented Antarctic ice and oceanic conditions relate to the climate crisis. Anthony Albanese and the federal Labor government are supposedly concerned to keep Australians safe. Yet, if …
Unedited links etc to climate news sources I trust The Age reports Global warming to cost Australia up to $423 billion over 40 years https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/global-warming-to-cost-australia-up-to-423-billion-over-40-years-20230823-p5dyvx.html. This relies on the IPCC’s consistent downplaying of risks in complex dynamical systems that are inherently unpredictable – especially when based on input data that likely did not include observational …