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The sentinel lighthouse warns mariners of rocky shores. Climate Sentinel News provides similar warnings to Australians and people everywhere threatened by the growing Climate Emergency.

Rev. 0 – 11/03/2024! 2023 set new planetary extremes as our activities force global temperatures ever higher on the way to mass extinction. 2024 looks even worse! Soon humans will no longer be able to survive in the climate we are forging. My featured image of the state of Earth’s oceans up to February 1 …
William P. Hall
2024-05-12 02:14:03
Source: William Ripple, X-Twitter
If we don’t reverse the climate system’s growing energy imbalance it will soon drive us over the lethal fall into global mass extinction ALL the global climate indicators are at or near all-time records so extreme that by September last year staid climate professionals have called the readings “gobsmackingly bananas.” — a phrase that is …
(Rev. 2 – 29/10/2023) Water was the cradle and mother of all life. When the world is too hot it is also the destructor that erases life, as in Derna, Libya on 11/09/2023 Life originated in the sea, dependent on and driven by water based chemistry. When our remote ancestors colonized the land more than …
Kathryn Harrison & Simon Donner, 26/01/2022 in The ConversationThe climate crisis demands courage not optimism Added comment: The authors seem to take the IPCC’s complacent assumptions that reaching zero emissions will be enough to solve the climate crisis. There are strong reasons for thinking the situation is actually far more serious – multiply emphasizing their conclusion …
Whether the media frenzy over the deportation of the world’s no. one tennis star and notorious anti-vaxer happened by good luck or was designed by the Australian COALition Government’s gang of fossil fuel puppets and clowns, it has and will serve for many days as a marvelous distraction to obscure the climate emergency from voters …
Dr Andrew (“Twiggy”) Forrest tells international business and political forum the factual reality that “Business will kill your children!” When I started this essay, Renew Economy, whose article is linked below, was one of the few mentions I found in the press or social media of the unique event where any self-made billionaire, let alone …
Religious fascism on the far-right of the NSW Liberal Government. Dominic Perrottet’s responses to Violet Coco’s demonstration against government inaction on the climate emergency were so disproportionate that I had to uncover what stimulated them — a red-back spider’s web of political influence and manipulation. The Slovenian fascist/anticommunist, Lyenko Urbanchich, began to build it by …
William P. Hall
2022-11-24 17:57:21
Let Victoria’s Group Voting Tickets (GVTs) show you how they abuse your one vote above the line to elect 4 more people you don’t know to the upper house The group voting ticket illustrated above (page 31 & 32 in the file on the Victorian Electoral Commission website) is the completed ballot paper for a …
Assessing parties and individuals running for Victoria’s Legislative Council (upper house) for Traffic Light ranking on climate policies reveals murky deals and unethical behaviors with strong odors of corruption. This corruption is made possible or even ‘encouraged’ by Victoria’s unique and arcane ‘group voting tickets’ (GVTs). Group Voting Tickets defeat voter intentions Some facts Wikipedia …
William P. Hall
2022-04-26 23:47:42
This is the recipe for extinction when facing existential catastrophe. A lesson on the difference between thinking and believing We humans face a very real risk of runaway global warming that we have triggered by burning fossil carbon accumulated over millions of years in around 150 years. We have already passed the trigger points where …
The Australia Institute shows our puppet Emperor’s new clothes: carbon fraud and misdirection make his puppet masters even richer In the previous article I posted today, I showed how our current LNP COALition government’s cash splash on cosmetic repairs to the Great Barrier Reef was probably intended to distract people from the fact that they …
If you want a future, it is time to take global warming seriously and totally mobilize to fight the fires driving us towards Hothouse Hell. Bill McKibben, one of America’s most respected environmentalists and a founder of the international, reports from the northern state of Vermont on the winter that wasn’t. As noted by …
An editorial in today’s Guardian Opinion, asks this question — without finding a sensible answer. I ask, “Is this another case of Don’t Look Up?” The questions facing us are: Are we going to wallow in the wall-to-wall 24 hour media coverage surrounding the death of a monarch on the other side of our planet? …
William P. Hall
2022-03-25 17:19:18
Thetford Reef near Cairns in 2017 after bleaching
Another summer of coral killing ocean heat waves. Capt. Humbug will spend $1 BN on reef cosmetics but not to stop the climate emergency. Reef building tropical corals are adapted to live close to the maximum water temperature they can survive in order to grow fast. Raise this temperature another 2-3 °C and their metabolism …
Covid humbug distracts politics, media and virtually everyone from what really matters — solving the existential climate emergency It is reasonable to fear Covid. It is a nasty pandemic disease, it will make a significant fraction of the world’s population too sick to work for a few days. However, even if we did nothing to …
Covid humbug distracts politics, media and virtually everyone from what really matters — solving the existential climate emergency It is reasonable to fear Covid. It is a nasty pandemic disease, it will make a significant fraction of the world’s population too sick to work for a few days. However, even if we did nothing to …