Cowper/Federal Election 2025

Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.

Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.

Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Cowper.

Caz Heise (Independent)

Caz’s Climate Policies

We need bold, practical action on climate change to safeguard our community and future generations. I’ll fight for investment in renewables and a just transition to clean energy that benefits everyday people, not multinational corporations.

Climate action is an environmental necessity, but also a chance to build a stronger, more secure future for our region.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change on the Mid North Coast — from devastating bushfires to prolonged droughts and floods. These events damage homes, livelihoods, and our environment, and we can’t keep accepting the same tired excuses for inaction from party politicians.

While governments on both sides of the political spectrum continue to pour billions into subsidies for fossil fuels, they ignore the potential for renewables to lower energy bills, create local jobs, and build resilience in regional areas like ours. We need to harness our natural resources — sun, wind, and water — to generate cheap, clean energy, and drive sustainable industries.

I will fight to end subsidies for fossil fuel companies and push for targeted investment in renewable energy projects, as well as household and community solar and battery storage, that will provide direct benefits to our region. These projects will not only cut emissions but also provide energy security during natural disasters, reduce power costs, and create long-term local jobs.

With urgent action and the right leadership, we can make our community a leader in renewable energy, and ensure a safer, more prosperous future for our kids and grandkids.

The time for talk is over, and the time for action is now.

Caz is part of the Community Independents Project

Wendy Firefly (Greens)

I have been a social worker for 15 years working with homelessness, mental health, drug and alcohol, youth, and aged care. This has given me a great understanding of what is wrong with our government system and the ever-growing divide between the rich and the poor. I’m a long-time Greens supporter because i believe in grass roots democracy  for the people from the people.

I was brought up knowing about the injustice of  colonization and the importance of our First Nations people.

Growing up in a progressive household I knew from a young age if nature is out of balance it will result in extreme weather events. I have been furious of the lack of commitment from the 2 major parties both waiting to the final hour to implement net 0. greens have been fighting for climate action for 25 years.

My Father design the first Transfer station where rubbish was recycled  he even worked to convert methane gas into electricity in the early 90s only to be taken to court and told he couldn’t do it .

My first protest was with my family against the Gulf War, Yet we are still spending trillions and killing millions.

I feel like I have been protesting my whole life, whether it has been as a voice for marginalized communities, running blockades in the forest, or campaigns against industrial farming.

I have always felt the need to stand up for what’s right, and this is why I’m running for the Federal election. I want to be the voice of reason and paint the picture of what is really happening in politics today highlighting the corruption, lack of real democracy and the need for strong Policys to create real change for the benefit of all Australians and not just the elite.

We need to remember this is a policy competition not a personality contest so please google the greens policy’s and Vote 1 Green in the house and the Senate to send a strong message for change.