Lilley/Federal Election 2025
Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.
Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.
Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Lilley.
Green Light Candidates
Melissa Stevens (Greens)

I’ve lived in Lilley for over 18 years. I grew up here on the Northside of Brisbane and returned after finishing university. For most of the last 20 years I’ve worked in our local medical research industry, on treatments for illnesses such as sepsis, heart disease and cancer.
I’m a proud union member and I support local and global campaigns for workers’ rights and social justice.I believe in protecting our precious natural habitats and calling for real action on the climate crisis.
However, it is the issues of violence against women and the ever-growing housing and homelessness crisis that are most important to me, and witnessing the failure of the political establishment to make any tangible change to them is what has compelled me to step up and run for election again.
Across our community, people are forced to live in cars and tents and families are struggling to put food on the table. Right now, hard working people are paying too much for the basics, while 1 in 3 big corporations pay no tax. Both Labor and the LNP have had opportunities to take action on the housing crisis and cost of living, but what they’re willing to do barely touches the sides.
Let’s get real. We can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expect a different result. When they are considering legislation, they have to run it past their corporate donors for permission. These same corporate donors sponsor both of these parties, hedging their bets so they get their way, no matter which one is in government. The Greens don’t accept donations from the big end of town and that means we fight for you – not mega-rich corporations.
The Greens will make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share of tax to fund the things we all need. We’ll put dental and mental health into Medicare, make visits to the GP free, take strong action on the climate crisis, make childcare free for every family and bring the cost of groceries down by making supermarket price gouging illegal.
We can have a society that puts people before profits and ensures we all have a healthy planet for future generations. A vote for the Greens will push Labor to act and keep the LNP out.
If you want change, vote for it. This time, vote 1 Greens.