Fenner/Federal Election 2025
Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.
Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.
Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Fenner.
Green Light Candidates
Dani Hunterford (Greens)

As a young person, a renter, and a passionate advocate for change working in the not-for-profit sector, I know that this election presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us to make real change.
But while our community is struggling with the cost of living, the major parties are supporting new coal mines and giving tax breaks to big corporations.
It’s pretty clear, this election, nothing changes unless your vote does.
Neither Labor or the Liberals will take the action our community needs. By voting more Greens into parliament, we can keep Dutton out, get Labor to act and make real, meaningful change for our community.