Sturt/Federal Election 2025
Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.
Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.
Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Sturt.
Green Light Candidates
Katie McCusker (Greens)

I was born, raised, and continue to live in the suburbs of eastern Adelaide. One of my first jobs was pouring drinks at the Kensington Districts Cricket Club! Now I’m raising my beautiful son here as well.
I’ve dedicated my life to fighting for our community, and have worked as a renters advocate and public health administrator. I’ve seen first hand the impact that the cost of living crisis is having in our area.
As someone who cares deeply about our community, it’s devastating to see how many people are struggling to make ends meet. Instead of tackling the problems people face, both Labor and the Liberals are serving their corporate donors and allowing them to make massive profits at the expense of people.
Change is possible. Sturt is one of the most winnable seats for the Greens in the nation. If just 1 in 10 people change their vote at the next election, the Greens will win Sturt.
Change is already happening. I ran for Sturt last election and the Greens vote reached new heights. I then ran in the Dunstan by-election, a state electorate that overlaps with Sturt, and again the Greens vote was unprecedented. We have worked hard to get to this moment.
But I didn’t do it alone. Far from it! I was supported by hundreds of passionate Greens volunteers. Our messages were amplified by conversations at people’s doors, corflutes on fences, and flyers in letterboxes.
I will continue to advocate for renters and stressed mortgage holders, take on the big supermarkets and end price gouging, push for an end to new coal and gas projects, and make the big corporations pay their fair share of tax, so we can use that money to fund world class health and education.
We are already building a huge people powered campaign in Sturt. Can you sign up to volunteer with us?
The major parties are funded by big corporations, but we are backed by people. If you’re able, please chip in.
And finally, if you want change, the first step is voting for someone who will fight for you.
I hope I can count on your vote.