Forrest/Federal Election 2025
Below is a mock-up from the 2022 Federal Election Traffic Light Voting Guide for the Bradfield House of Representatives seat.
Both your local, and state or territory senate 2025 Traffic Light Voting Guides will be published on each electorate page after the ballot draw is completed later in 2025. In the meantime you can learn about how to effectively use Traffic Light Voting Guides by watching our videos.
Scroll further down this page to learn more about the Green Light candidates in Forrest.
Green Light Candidates
Sue Chapman (Independent)

Environment Priorities for Forrest
The South West is one of only 36 recognised biodiversity hotspots. For millennia, the region was isolated from the rest of Australia by vast central deserts, resulting in significant endemic plant species unique to the area. Our forests, woodlands, shrublands and heaths are also home to a wide variety of reptile species. Today, less than 30 per cent of the South West’s original vegetation remains due to the impacts of mining, population growth and agricultural expansion. We have a responsibility to protect this precious environment for our kids and grandkids.
We can have a strong local economy without destroying our unique and much-loved natural environments. All it requires is a commitment to evidence-based solutions and honest, collaborative leadership. When local communities are ignored and silenced to allow developers to bulldoze ancient bushland, you know our environmental laws are broken.
As your Independent MP, I will work constructively with all tiers of government to:
- Prevent unnecessary clearing of native vegetation
- Uphold international agreements with emissions reduction targets and environmental protection goals
- Ensure the environmental impacts of renewable energy projects are minimised and their community benefits are maximised
- Support farmers to adopt climate-smart agricultural practices through local Sustainable Agricultural Facilitators.
- Advocate for waste minimisation, recycling and building sustainable circular economies of scale
- Encourage regenerative farming techniques and farm diversification
- Avoid opening up new offshore gas fields and fracking
- Ensure effective environmental rehabilitation and restoration of mining sites
Together, we can do politics differently by caring for the environment and ensuring our communities thrive.
Sue is part of the Community Independents Project
Georgia Beardman (Greens)

Living in the only subsidised, affordable housing in Dunsborough, I’ve experienced first hand how important a safe, secure home can be in providing people the sense of stability they need to live a good life – and how scary it can be to have that stability pulled from under our feet.
I’ve also seen first hand the power of people. When communities mobilise and connect over things they care about, they have the power to bring about real change. The seat of Forrest is ready for change.
WA is facing a housing and cost of living crisis, and the major parties are tinkering around the edges, while handing $176 billion in tax handouts to wealthy property investors.
We’re also bearing the brunt of climate change in the South West. As we grow accustomed to “once in a lifetime” fire seasons and heatwaves that are becoming the norm, Labor have approved 23 coal and gas projects since they got into government.
Meanwhile, the supermarket duopoly continues to rip off farmers and gouge us at the checkout, all while the major parties take donations from Coles and Woolworths.
The Greens have a plan: to fix housing, stop coal and gas projects, and to make supermarket price gouging illegal.
It won’t happen overnight, but the first step to changing things for the better is voting for someone who is fighting for it. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
This election, I’m fighting for change. I’d love to have you join me to help turn Forrest Green. Sign up to volunteer on our team!