How They Voted

NSW Legislative Assembly Chambers

NSW Legislative Council Chambers
To the best of our knowledge there are seven independent incumbents in the NSW Legislative Assembly who have put their hand up for re-election. We need to know how they voted and what they said in debate to make them worthy of our 2023 vote.
- Roy Butler (Barwon)
- Gareth Ward (Kiama)
- Helen Dalton (Murray)
- Greg Piper (Lake Macquarie)
- Philip Danato (Orange)
- Alex Greenwich (Sydney)
- Joe Mcgirr (Wagga Wagga)
The following legislators were from Micro parties
- Mark Pearson (Animal Justice Party)
- Emma Hurst (Animal Justice Party)
- Robert Borsac (Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers)
- Mark Banasiak (Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers)
- Fred Nile (Christian Democrats
We need to know how they voted and what they said in debate to rank their party for our 2023 vote.
Arguably, the most important votes for Upper House action on the climate emergency in the last NSW parliament can be found in the following legislation. <- climate emergency debate <- amendments
Legislative Council Hansard – 24 November 2021 ( ß- labor climate bill
Legislative Council Hansard – 13 October 2021 (
Here is some important legislation from the NSW House of Assembly for action on the climate emergency.

This voting record is particularly relevant to the assessment we make of the micro parties and independents. Because actions speak louder than words voting records are a primary consideration in Vote Climate One’s assessment process. Bear in mind that the major parties are assessed with a separate ranking. Their responsibility to form government in our two party system defines their parliamentary role differently from everyone else standing for election. How they voted and what they said in debate is still, though, a useful reality check for assessment.