Our puppet governments organize banquets where their piggy patrons with special interests can feed on our roasting environment

If Howard and I are right, we have already passed several tipping points triggering positive feedbacks that will cause global warming to increase exponentially towards a point-of-no return where global mass extinction (including humans) is almost inevitable (he links the same science articles I use in this context). To avoid this end we need to turn the barbecue around to roast the pigs and their wooden-headed puppets first.

European summary of the current climate

The EU’s Copernicus satellite-based environmental monitoring program gives their summary of the current climate state and change. What does this mean and what can we do about it. The process of global warming that underlies the present climate emergency is …

Global warming means urban wildfires are after you

Amongst many other growing perils resulting from global warming, as long as we allow our only Earth to go on warming urban firestorms will become more frequent, fiercer, and deadlier. Many of Australia's close packed and leafy suburbs would also be susceptible to this kind of urban firestorm.