Members of political parties invariably vote on party lines whatever their personal opinion may be on a particular parliamentary decision. Liberal Party candidates are a dangerous prospect considering the urgent need for state leadership on the climate emergency. Generally we advise you to number them last on your ballot paper after the green or orange candidates.
Because only the two major parties form government in the Australian political system, they are usually ranked one ahead of the other for our Traffic Light Voting System. Australia’s two party preferential voting system forces a choice between the two. This time round the Liberals have been ranked behind Labor on Red.
In the following circumstances, though, both major parties may be equally ranked. For this election they are both Red for advice on voting above the line in the Victorian Upper House. The Liberal Party’s preference deals for voting above the line in the Legislative Council for the 2018 Victorian Election did not favour Green Light parties or candidates. Until we are told otherwise, we expect they will follow the same policy in this election. Consequently this party has attracted a RED LIGHT for above the line voting on your region ballot paper for the Legislative Council. To make your vote count for climate action, DO NOT GIVE THE LIBERALS YOUR NUMBER ONE ABOVE THE LINE.
In a Lower House seat which is challenged by a progressive minor party or independent both major parties may be ranked Orange. Consequently the focus of our Traffic Light climate lens can produce a paradoxical outcome. It seems unlikely in present circumstances, though, that either major party will attract a Green Light.

In the Victorian state election we strongly recommend you vote below the line on your upper house ballot paper. When you vote below the line you have complete control of where your preferences go to support action on the climate emergency.
TO VOTE ABOVE THE LINE Vote Climate One will choose one party which we think has the best preference distribution to favour action on the climate emergency. This cannot be finalised in our election guides until after November 11th when all the preference deals are made public.