Cheap H₂ storage may dispatch power for months

Hydrogen gas stored for less than $3/kg may provide months of dispatchable power to cover intermittent green energy generation

by Emiliano Bellini, 14/02/2022 in PV Magazine

Hydrogen under $3/kg may ensure affordable seasonal energy storage in the US

Researchers from the United States have investigated how fuel cells and electrolyzers may be able to operate under intermittent availability provided by both wind and solar and have found that an affordable hydrogen-based system for seasonal energy storage could be achieved at a hydrogen price lower than $3, produced from inexpensive renewable electricity at $0.02/kWh.

Featured Image: A PEM high pressure electrolyzer. Image: Wikimedia Commons/

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

Coal assets face rapid stranding from green tech

New technologies dispatching power from sustainable long-term storage threaten to put coal-based dispatchable power stations out of business

We may be sitting on the green energy missing link – don’t tell the Coalition. Photo: TND

By Alan Kohler, 24/01/2022 in the Newdaily

Long-duration energy storage systems are writing coal’s death certificate
Australia is sprinting towards 100 per cent renewable energy, 24/7, 365 days a year, but very few are ready for it, least of all the coal industry and its subsidiary, the Morrison government.

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.