Look out! More and worse wildfires are coming for us

UN’s “Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires” warns positive feedbacks will accelerate warming and impacts

by Bob Berwyn, 23/02/2022 in Inside Climate News
Global Wildfire Activity to Surge in Coming Years: A new U.N. report says communities need to prepare for the growing threat by refocusing on prevention, rather than just reacting to fires as they happen.

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.

IPCC’s 28 Feb climate change report will be bad news

Part 2 of AR6 – The IPCC’s report on climate change impacts will likely be bad enough. However the actual truth will probably be even worse

by Matt McGrath, 22/02/2022 in BBC News/Science
IPCC: Climate change report to sound warning on impacts

A new report on the impacts of climate change will likely be the most worrying assessment yet of how rising temperatures affect every living thing.

Views expressed in this post are those of its author(s), not necessarily all Vote Climate One members.