Can the Great Barrier Reef survive global warming?
If the ocean becomes too hot, coral can’t do much to escape the heat. Loss of our natural wonder is likely if warming is not stopped.

by Jodie L. Rummer & Scott F. Heron, 21/03/2022 in The Conversation
Adapt, move, or die: repeated coral bleaching leaves wildlife on the Great Barrier Reef with few options: To our horror, another mass coral bleaching event may be striking the Great Barrier Reef, with water temperatures reaching up to 3℃ higher than average in some places. This would be the sixth such event since the late 1990s, and the fourth since 2016.
Featured Image: Great Barrier Reef, Australia. From the article, (undated) by Adele Pedder, “Protecting the Coral Sea-the Cradle to the Great Barrier Reef” in The UN Chronicle. Shows a healthy reef populated by many different animals from corals to fish.