Your Traffic light Voting Guide to elect five members for the Electorate of Kurrajong is now available. You can print the guide at home and take it to the polling booth to help steer your choices as you fill in the ballot paper. Alternatively you can access our advice on your mobile phone by clicking on the download button below.
The team at Vote Climate One encourages all candidates to support the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin any decisions in the ACT Assembly relating to action on the climate emergency.
Outstanding Green Light Candidates
Click on the link to see their profile
Green Light Candidates
Click on the link to see their profile
If you have any information which may inform our candidate assessments please use our contact form at the bottom of this page or phone Rob on 0427 580803
Green Light Candidates
Candidates who have committed to supporting the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord are on the top of our list as Outstanding Green Light Candidates.
Ann Bray (Strong Independents)

Anne qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.

Strong Independents have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue accord
Peter Strong (Strong Independents)

Peter qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.

Strong Independents have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue accord
Thomas Emerson (Independents for Canberra)

Thomas qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.
Thomas Emerson is a proud inner-north resident whose passion for building healthy communities led him to establish Canberra’s first holistic movement studio, Praksis, in Campbell. He launched Independents for Canberra after spending two years working as an adviser to ACT’s first independent Senator, David Pocock.
Independents for Canberra have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord.
Ben Johnston (Independents for Canberra)

Ben qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.
Ben was born and raised in Canberra and is well known in the hospitality sector as the owner of the Old Canberra Inn and Dickson Taphouse. He is passionatePaul Girrawah House about supporting the creative arts and is an active community member, having led the organising committee for the Winter Solstice Swim since 2019. Ben is a fierce advocate for bringing vibrancy to Canberra and has firsthand experience negotiating Canberra’s education and healthcare systems. After teaching the Primary Ethics program at his son’s school in Sydney, Ben is convinced these classPaul Girrawah Housees should be taught in every school.
Independents for Canberra have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord.
Sarah Poguet (Independents for Canberra)

Sarah qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.
Sarah Poguet is a dedicated Canberran and businesswoman who has lived in the ACT for over 25 years. She is dedicated to building a Canberra that serves its people, focusing on healthcare, education, infrastructure, housing, and the environment. Sara has been recognised as one of Australia’s ‘Top 30 Managers under 30’.
Independents for Canberra have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord.
Sue Read (Independents for Canberra)
Sue qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.
Sue grew up in Canberra and studied psychology and neuroscience at ANU before going on to become a registered psychologist. She boasts an impressive athletic background, including serving as goalkeeper for the Australian women’s soccer team, the Matildas. Sue runs her own health and psychology practice, Life Unlimited Psychology, which has provided mental health and resilience training to hundreds of Canberrans. She led the recent Save Canberra United campaign to keep our women’s A-League team from folding and appears regularly on ABC Radio Canberra as our city’s resident psychologist.
Independents for Canberra have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord.
Paul Girrawah House (First Nations Party)

Paul qualifies as an Outstanding Green Light Candidate.
Paul has worked extensively in Commonwealth and NSW public sector agencies, including the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. He has played a key role in the continuing practice of culture in Ngambri/Kamberri/Canberra and has worked extensively with the National Gallery as a cultural consultant. Paul currently holds the title of Senior Community Engagement Officer at the Australian National University, Ngambri/Kamberri/Canberra.
Paul celebrates his cultural ancestry through traditional tree carving. Recently, Paul’s practice has extended beyond the traditional use of trees, and has seen Paul carving his ancestral designs into glass and other contemporary materials.
First Nations Party candidates are prepared to use the application of the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to inform, when relevant, their position and advocacy on legislation and policy.
“The FNP support the use of the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord to underpin decisions we will potentially make in the ACT parliament in relation to action on the climate emergency.” FNP support for climate rescue is virtually guaranteed by my commitment to nurturing Country. We have cared for mother earth since the dawn of time, our signature is in the land, not just our DNA. Murun-wiginya Yindyamarra murun-murru wirimbirra Ngurambang. Living a Respectful way of life cares for Country. Yindyamarra wirrimbirra maradhal gu-bu, giyira gu-bu, yandhul gu-bu. Ngadhu yindymali ngurambang-gila bala ngiiny waluwin galinga-bangbur yanighingu Ngiyanhi mawang yalbiligi-gila yalmianbilgirri-yanhi marambul bagaraygan yanhi-gingu. We respect country so that it is healthy for our children, for everyone, together we learn and teach what is right for all our people.
Respect is taking responsibility for the past, the present and the future. Yindyamala yambuwan murun-winginya, buwudhuray. Respect everything living and growing. Please look after the land & Rivers – then the land & rivers will look after you!
First Nations Party have fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
Walter Kudrycz (Animal Justice Party)
I believe in a world where animals are treated according to fundamental principles of justice and where their autonomy and sentience is universally recognised through laws that meaningfully protect their wellbeing and that are properly enforced. Providing members of the public with choices in terms of pro-animal candidates at elections is one way of achieving this vision. I am standing as an AJP candidate as I want to ensure people who seek greater protection for animals in our legal and political systems have someone to vote for.
My background: I have a PhD in philosophy and history from the University of Sydney. I teach philosophy and history at the ANU’s centre for Continuing Education (CE). I pioneered the first ever animal ethics course offered by the CE and have since taught it several times both in person and online (during Covid lockdowns). In the course I cover various approaches to animal ethics and encourage students to think critically about how humans have treated and continue to treat animals, and why this should change, and how to argue persuasively for change. I have also guest lectured in animal law courses at the University of NSW since 2008, teaching animal history and ethics. I have assisted my partner in establishing and running the Animal Defenders Office, a community legal centre specialising in animal law, since its inception in 2013. I also support and attend public events held by other animal protection organisations such as Animal Liberation ACT. I would use these skills and experience to be a strong voice for animals.
Animal Justice Party has fully endorsed the 3Rs and the Climate Rescue Accord
James Cruz (Greens)

I’m one of your Greens candidates for Kurrajong in the upcoming election. I have called Canberra home since 2020, having moved here from Sydney for a quieter lifestyle closer to nature. Now living in Downer, I work as a Librarian at the National Library of Australia.
Growing up in poverty and living in public housing showed me the urgent need for a society that addresses inequality and the growing housing crisis. This experience is part of what drew me to the Greens—the only party firmly committed to ending homelessness and recognising housing as a fundamental human right. Since joining the Greens in 2011, I have been an active member of the movement, organising campaigns, engaging with our community, participating in activism, and standing as a candidate in the last federal election.
Isabel Mudford (Greens)

I have spent my entire life in the Inner North suburbs of Canberra, currently residing in Downer. My career has been dedicated to protecting and advocating for the rights of sexuality, gender-diverse, and intersex Canberrans through my work with A Gender Agenda, Meridian, and the ACT LGBTIQ+ Ministerial Advisory Council. Additionally, I have served as a policy advisor for LGBTIQ+ affairs and drug harm reduction in the Assembly. I am also in the final months of completing my PhD in Sociology at the Australian National University.
With a lifelong commitment to social and environmental justice, I joined the Greens in 2013 while an undergraduate student at ANU. As a former ACT head of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, I became involved with the Greens due to my deep passion for addressing the climate crisis. As the climate becomes increasingly unpredictable and dangerous, we will face not only ecological devastation but also extreme social, economic, and political challenges. The Greens are the only party that has consistently prioritised climate action alongside peace, social justice, and grassroots democracy.
Jillian Reid (Greens)

I am excited to be one of your Greens candidates for Kurrajong in the upcoming election, supporting the re-election of Shane Rattenbury and Rebecca Vassarotti. My husband and I have called Canberra home for the past three years, after living in Sydney and London. I love exploring our local community, enjoying visits to the Canberra Farmers Market on weekends, and being an active member of our community garden.
Formerly a high school teacher, I now work in sustainable investment, leading a team that assesses how environmental and social issues impact the financial well-being of our members and the wider community. The climate crisis is real, and it was my concern for our environment that inspired me to join the Greens over a decade ago. Today, I am driven not only by environmental issues but also by the intersection of environmental sustainability with social justice, particularly in areas like housing and healthcare. I’m proud of the Greens’ genuine commitment to justice and equal rights for First Nations peoples and Palestinian people, backed by meaningful action, not just words.
Shane Rattenbury (Greens)

I’ve lived in Canberra for over thirty years, and currently I’m a proud resident of the Inner North. I’m a keen runner and triathlete, having competed in events around the world including the Ironman World Championship held in Hawaii. I’m a big fan of 80s pub rock and Aussie hip hop, as well as photography, but my greatest interest is in making the world a better place.
I became an environmental advocate at a young age, inspired by campaigns to prevent ozone depletion, protect Antarctica and stop logging of native forests. I joined the Greens while studying at the ANU, graduating with a Bachelor of Economics and Law. Since then I’ve worked in various public service positions, as the International Political director of Greenpeace, and now as your MLA for Kurrajong and Greens leader.
It’s been an honour to serve you as your representative for so many years, as well as Speaker, Attorney-General, and other Ministerial roles. In 2020, we made history here in the ACT by electing 6 Greens MLAs to the assembly. Since then, we’ve shown that pressure works, securing nation-leading reforms in renters’ rights, climate, and justice.
Rebecca Vassarotti (Greens)

I’ve been one of your Greens MLAs for Kurrajong since 2020. And I am excited to again be one of your Lead Candidates for the 2024 Legislative Assembly election
I was born in the heart of Canberra at the old Canberra Hospital, and spent my childhood raised on the other side of O’Connor Ridge in Belconnen. For the last 11 years I have called Dickson my home, where I live with my partner and have raised our three children and our spoodle.
After graduating ANU with a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Environmental Law I entered the public service, where I worked in urban services, environment, and finally the Bushfire Recovery Taskforce after the devastating fires in 2003. Prior to being elected as one of your two Greens MLAs for Kurrajong in 2020, I worked extensively in the community centre, including with ACOSS, CHC, the Racing and Gambling Commission, and 10 years as CEO of YWCA Canberra.
We’ve achieved so much in the last few years in Canberra. But in the midst of a growing Inequality crisis, now more than ever we need to invest in our public services to lift Canberrans out of poverty. In the face of a warming planet and an El Nino Summer, and with the memories of Black Summer in 2020 still fresh in our minds, we need immediate action to protect our natural environment from the threats of Climate Change.
Candidates strut their stuff… video footage
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(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0427 580 803)