All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“Not only can we achieve 100% renewable energy, but we can invest in technologies that allow us to export energy all over the world leading to massive international investment in our clean manufacturing industries leading to jobs.”

G’day, I’m Damien and I am running because I know Australia can be so much better than what it is now. Together we can ensure that there can be real and effective action on climate change.
The Blacktown area faces a future of sweltering summers with an ever increasing number of average days spent over 35oC. These hot days are becoming unbearable to live comfortably and without proper action, they are going to get worse in both length and temperature.
Not only can we achieve 100% renewable energy, but we can invest in technologies that allow us to export energy all over the world leading to massive international investment in our clean manufacturing industries leading to jobs.
I want to see an Australia that has universal free childcare. Universal access to high quality childcare services that are run, not for profit but for the education of our youngest people, not only makes economic sense but social sense too. Expanding Medicare to include dental and mental health services is vital for the overall health and wellbeing of every Australian. There is no credible reason to exclude dental and mental health services from Medicare. These services are off limits to our most marginalised and down trodden, often these people are the ones needing the most help.
I am running in Greenway again because I love Blacktown. I have lived in Western Sydney for over 5 years. My kids were born in Blacktown Hospital, I go out in Blacktown, I enjoy our parks and natural spaces.
The Greens get things done. Locally I want to see our childcare centres be fully funded and universally accessible. I want our local businesses to be able to lead Australia in a Green manufacturing revolution which will create jobs and save the planet at the same time. I will advocate and push for a Green Steel Manufacturing Hub in our area, boosting high skilled jobs locally. The Greens are the only party planning for the tomorrow that we need, today.
This election we have a real opportunity to get 12 Greens Senators elected across Australia. With 12 senators including David Shoebridge in NSW, the Greens would have the balance of power that will allow us the push through legislation that will create climate action, support our youth and older Australians. Change is within reach
I will represent a progressive, inclusive and equal Greenway. No longer can we accept the disparity between the haves and have nots. We need real action on climate change, social injustice and the protection and expansion of our Medicare system. We need change.
Vote 1 The Greens in Greenway at this federal election.